36 Overconfident Business Folk Who Became the Laughing Stock of the Corporate World

Beastly boardroom blunders
36 Overconfident Business Folk Who Became the Laughing Stock of the Corporate World

Before reading this list, please join us in imagining a fun little scenario. Its a room full of smiling suits nodding along to some bigwigs next big money-making scheme seconds before they all realize what an utter catastrophe theyre about to create. Instead of laughing all the way to the bank, theyre about to frantically scurry back to their offices to put out some serious fires. 

Now lets watch it play out a few dozen times below!

McDonald’s Japan

M a In 2006, McDonald's Japan ran a promotion in whicH 10,000 mp3 players would be awarded to lucky customers. The players contained a virus which sto

Flying Cars

FLYING CARS SOLH 3218 fe CRACKED.COM Henry Ford had a plan for cheap, easy-to-use, personal planes everyone can own. A plane in every driveway! Then his prototype (avoidably) crashed during a test flight, and Ford scrapped the whole idea. S

Dr. Pepper

In 2007, Dr. Pepper held a promotion asking people to search for a coin in Boston's most historic graveyard. 1882 Dozens of people gathered at the Old Granary Burying Ground, where figures like John Hancock are buried, looking to dig around for the coin. Boston officials quickly denounced the promotion and had it shut down. CRACKED.COM

RJ Reynolds

Turbine 14 Turbine 12 THE 167 330 14 Mondensator PREMIER 50LK MI PREM CRACKED COM RJ Reynolds spent $325 million to develop this smokeless cigarette to counter secondhand smoke. It was vaping decades before vaping ... but smokers said it tasted horrible, and was too hot to hold.


CRACKED Tumblr - Home t of Fandom Mones tumblr. Search OPEN 17 0.4 №75 ..... What's New Verson History 10.0 Made Thanks for choising Tumblr a pixce & connect North others over shared interests Preview YAHOO! In 2013, Yahoo acquired Tumblr for $1.1 billion, but the platform struggled to become profitable and was eventually sold to Automattic for $3 million in 2019.


Snapchat lost around $800 million in stock after running an ad on their platform for the mobile game Would You Rather? which mocked Rihanna's abuse. Would You Rather? Impossible Chocolat WOULD YOU RATHER! Slap Rihanna Punch Chris Brown Many users deleted the app following her response. CRACKED.COM

Quaker Oats

CRACKED SAPPLE APPLE BY NATURAL CONSTRAWBERRY EACH TEA Snapp - MON TEA WITH Snapple i NATURAL 40% MANGO MADNESS napp IN NATURAL { LUG AM E I NER name Snapple I ALL NATURAL 9 I apple - Lebon S - names ME 316 THEMA - I name are QUAKER Quaker Oats Co. agreed to sell Snapple Beverage Corp. to Triarc Cos. for $300 million, only 27 months after Quaker spent $1.7 billion to buy the maker of trendy drinks, resulting in a loss of $1.4 billion for Quaker.

Steven Spielberg’s Sub Shop

Steven Spielberg served subs... in a sub! Get it? The highest-grossing director of all time opened two locations of Dive! (a submarine-themed sub sandwich restaurant). The over-priced, mediocre food saw them close within a few years. CRACKED

Pay by Touch

Turbine 14 PAY BY 167 To Hondensator TOUCH 2013 PAY BY TOUCH place center OF finger flat S sensor CU press and hold wait E for green light GRACKED.COM This company used biometrics for payments back in 2002. But the CEO was caught in a bunch of scandals (embezzling, drugs, domestic abuse), and the company went bust before smartphones were even invented.


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Macy's decided to sell some plates by fat shaming moms. mam jeans favorite jeans mam jeans Road cama odie favorite jeans skinny jeans The plates featured portion sizes described as jeans sizes, with the biggest portion size being called mom jeans. This didn't go over well, and Macy's removed the plates just hours after a picture of the plates went viral. CRACKED.COM

American Apparel

In 2014 American Apparel celebrated the 4th of July by reblogging this photo on its corporate Tumblr account CRAUN americanapparel plzstic Source:.tru

Trump Steaks

Donald Trump's Exclusive Introduction worst TRUMP business idea STEAKS THE WORLD'S GREATEST STEAK ever (maybe). Trump Steaks were (for some reason) sold at the Sharper Image. Sharper Image CEO Jerry Levin called it a horrible business idea, saying, We literally sold almost no steaks. If we sold $50,000 worth of steaks in total, I'd be surprised. CRACKED

Clearlink CEO

CRACKED CEO PRAISES EMPLOYEE FOR SACRIFICING THEIR PET FOR THE OFFICE. James Clarke, the CEO of Clearlink, had a meeting with the staff where he praised a worker who had to give away their pet dog because the company was making them come back to the office. God bless America, or something.

LifeLock CEO Todd Davis

Eager to promote confidence in his company's identity theft protection services, the CEO of LifeLock used his actual Social Security number in an adve


36 Overconfident Business Folk Who Became the Laughing Stock of the Corporate World

HyperSocial CEO

People are ripping into the CEO that posted a crying selfie on LinkedIn. CRACKED.COM Braden Wallake, the CEO of a company specializing in opti- mizing LinkedIn posts, post- ed the blubbering photo on a post discussing layoffs in his company. Here's how to op- timize this particular post: Delete it.


The Blockbuster CEO laughed at Netflix's CEO when he tried to form a partnership in 2000. BLOCKBUSTER BLOCKBUSTER CLEARANCE 20% SALE SOON CRACKED COM Netflix co-founder and CEO Reed Hastings suggested Blockbuster run the Netflix brand in stores and Netflix would run theirs online. CFO Barry McCarthy says they just about laughed us out of their office.



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