44 Myths, Miconceptions and Counterintuitive Facts That Made Your Brain Zig While Reality Zagged

You thought that while you should’ve been thinking this!
44 Myths, Miconceptions and Counterintuitive Facts That Made Your Brain Zig While Reality Zagged

You should see the looks on your faces right now! Its so cute. Youre trying to hide the fact that you clearly believed these myths and misconceptions, but youre not that good of an actor. 

Its okay. Your secret is safe with us. Now feel free to go spout these off as if youve known them all along. Take it from us, it feels great.


MYTH: FINGERPRINTS ARE ALL super unique. FACT8 THEY'RE ACTUALLY WORRYINGLY SIMILAR. Your fingerprints aren't all that unique - -relatives will have ma


MYTH: Worried about criminal activity? It's got to be all those immigrants. FAGT8 Immigrants are less likely to commit crimes. First-generation immigr

Connecticut’s Nickname

Myth: Connecticut is nicknamed the Constitution State because the Constitution was signed there. WRONG. Connecticut got its nickname from the state'


NEANDERTHALS ACTUALLY HAD GREAT POSTURE. Neanderthals stood upright. The myth of the hunched knuckle- draggers came from one Neanderthal skeleton that
Source: NHM


MYTH: ALWAYS COOK PORK UnTL I'S SWELL-DONE. FACT8 PORK IS MUCH SAFER THAN you THINK. The myth that undercooked pork is swimming with worms is left ove


MYTH: COLLEGE IS WHERE women experiment. FACT: NOn-COLLeGe women experiment more. The CDC did a study on 10,000 women. They found that those with bach


MYTH: condoms ARe 98% effective. FACT: THEY'RE JUST 82 % eFfective OVeRALL. They're 98% effective at preventing pregnancy when used perfectly. That me


MYTH: Btonehenge looks the same as it has for thousands of years. TRUTH: Rearly every stone on the site was adjusted in between some way 1901 and 1964


Disney widely popularized the myth that lemmings deliberately commit mass suicide in its nature documentary White Wilderness. FROL INE 7op or THE WpRd

The Color of Blood

MYTH: THE BLOOD LEAVING YOUR HEART IS BLUE. FAGT8 IT'S ACTUALLY DARKER RED. The myth that deoxygenated blood is blue comes from the fact that through

Miranda Rights

MYTH: If a cop doesn't read you your Miranda rights, you can walk. FACT8 Those rights apply to interrogation, not arrest. Despite what you see on ever

The Right to Remain Silent

MYTH: When the police ask you a question, you'd better answer. FAGT8 You always have the right not to answer. The right to remain silent doesn't just

American Beer

MYTH: American BEeR IS WEAK. FAGT8 IT'S JUsT measured DIFFERENTLY FROM THE REST OF THE WORLD. Most countries measure beer alcohol percentage by volume

Hangover Cures

MYTH8 Hung OveR? HAVE A DRINK. FAGT8 THE HAIR OF THE DOG WOn'T unBite You. It's a common myth-the best way to recover from a regrettable night of drin


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