40 Deceitful Little Myths That Have Mislead Us for Far Too Long

Sooner or later, the truth always comes out!
40 Deceitful Little Myths That Have Mislead Us for Far Too Long

We have to apologize. Were usually on the ball, but these truths took a lot longer to uncover than usual. We were led down the wrong path by myths disguised as truths, but once we learned of their dishonesty, we got back on the right track. 

Thats no excuse, though. We have to be better. Youve come to expect sincerity from us, and if even one of those would-be truths slipped through the cracks, wed spend a lifetime making it up to you.


Tobacco companies added filters to make cigarettes healthier. But filters actually make cigarettes way more cancerous. The original filters from the '


Cleopatra is known for being the last pharaoh of Egypt, but she was not actually Egyptian. She was Macedonian. CRACKEDCOMT

Expressing Emotions

Contrary to the common stereotype, women are not more emotionally expressive than men. While it's true that women express more positivity, there are no gender differences when you consider the vast range of emotions. GRAGKED.COM


The ability to get work mail anywhere should boost productivity. But actually, it does the opposite. The 24/7 workplace sounds great on paper: Even wh


MYTH: COLLEGE IS WHERE women experiment. FACT: NOn-COLLeGe women experiment more. The CDC did a study on 10,000 women. They found that those with bach



The Color of Blood

MYTH: THE BLOOD LEAVING YOUR HEART IS BLUE. FAGT8 IT'S ACTUALLY DARKER RED. The myth that deoxygenated blood is blue comes from the fact that through


MYTH: ATE So MucH you FEEL SICK? POP An ANTACID. FAGT8 ANTACIDS MAke YoU FEEL even FULLER. Eating causes your stomach to produce hydrochloric acid to


MYTH: ALWAYS COOK PORK UnTL I'S SWELL-DONE. FACT8 PORK IS MUCH SAFER THAN you THINK. The myth that undercooked pork is swimming with worms is left ove


GRACKED.COM Men are better gamers than women. BUSTED! A study shows that male and female gamers advance at the same rate in digital games.


Myth: Madagascar is all jungle and primitive tribes. Reality: It has a thriving economy with its own airlines, 5 star hotels, and shopping malls. The

Palm Trees

CRACKED PALM TREES ARE NATIVE TO L.A. It's a common misconception that palm trees are from Los Angeles. In reality, most of the palm trees in L.A. were brought in from other places and planted to make the city more beautiful and attract more people. с DESER SP KEE adidas HOLTYWO VEN Sterlins 2


CRACKED ALL VIKINGS WORE HORNED HELMETS Actuallys the misconception came from a painter who had drawn the Vikings with horned helmets. He was inspir

Roman Orgies

CRACKED ROMAN ORGIES It's a common misconception that the Ancient Romans were into orgies, but there's no proof of any kind of organized group sex in Roman literature.

Spartan Soldiers

CRACKED SPARTANS AS ANCIENT SUPER-SOLDIERS. It's a common misconception that Spartans were the best warriors in ancient Greece. In fact, there's no proof that they were particularly good at fighting in the Archaic period. Their fame mainly comes from their victory at the Battle of Thermopylae.

Men with Big Feet

You know what they say about men with big CENSORED feet? Turns out it doesn't matter what they say, as research has found that there is no correlation between foot size and member length. CRACKED.COM

Transgender People

CRACKED.COM THE MYTH Transgender people make up a third gender. THE FACT Transgender people explicitly identify as male or female. They aren't part of a third gender. They are men and women.

Men as Leaders

Think men are naturally better leaders than women? WRONG! A study of over 2,900 managers found that women scored higher than men in 4 out of 5 traits necessary for a successful leader. CRACKED.COM

Feminine Colors

PINK HASN'T ALWAYS BEEN A GIRL COLOR. In fact, it was used more for boys in the early 1900s. CRACKED.COM

Reading Emotions

Think women are better at reading emotions? Researchers examined the ability of 15,000 participants to decipher whether people were displaying real or fake smiles in photographs. When viewing same-sex pictures, men were right 72% of the time, women 71%. As for opposite-sex pics, men beat women 76% to 67%. CRACKED.COM


Men: FINANCIALLY RUINED after a divorce? NOPE. After divorce, a woman's standard of living drops by an average of 27% while men's grows an average of 10%. GRACKED.COM


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