40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia to Say to Your Dog If You Suspect He’s Actually a Human Trapped in a Dog’s Body

If he responds with intrigue, he may have a human soul
40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia to Say to Your Dog If You Suspect He’s Actually a Human Trapped in a Dog’s Body

Has anyone ever been wronger than the guy who told Dame Judi Dench she had the “wrong face”?

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How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother FIRST EPISODE LAST EPISODE CRACKED co After a A dad begins season-long bottle episode, wistfully the entire recounting his premi

Orson Welles

Performers Bookends First episode / Last Episode Orson Welles Welles' first feature-length onscreen role was as a Keystone Кор his own film Too Much Johnson. His final appearance was in Someone to Love, released nearly two full years after his death. CRACKED.COM

Mercury Theater, Castle Hill Productions Inc.


Marie Schrader

CRACKED.c BREAKING BAD MARIE'S KLEPTOMANIA. FIRST EPISODE LAST EPISODE The first three seasons It didn't. After the focus a lot of time on third season, Marie's Marie's shoplifting problem suddenly issues, making it went like the subplot away and seems would eventually lead wasn't referenced to something. ever again.

Dawson’s Creek

40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia to Say to Your Dog If You Suspect He’s Actually a Human Trapped in a Dog’s Body

Jason Priestley

BEVERLY HILLS, 90210 Jason Priestley CRACKEDC COM FIRST EPISODE LAST EPISODE Left after the Brandon Walsh, penultimate season, main which he says was

Anita Barone

FRIENDS Anita Barone CRACKEDC COM FIRST EPISODE LAST EPISODE Carol Willick, Barone gave up Ross' pregnant the part to ex-wife. A fine focus on larger

Jeff Conaway

TAXI Jeff Conaway CRACKEDG COM FIRST EPISODE LAST EPISODE Bobby Wheeler, actor. Didn't Totally left of his appear in one of own volition, his first ep

David Caruso

NYPD BLUE David Caruso CRACKEDCO COM FIRST EPISODE LAST EPISODE DuCKED out after 1 successful season to John Kelly, be a movie star! police detective

Bulk and Skull from Power Rangers

40 Random Bits of Pop-Culture Trivia to Say to Your Dog If You Suspect He’s Actually a Human Trapped in a Dog’s Body

Alfred from Batman

Batman FIRST APPEARANCE Batman #16 (1943) HOW TO BE A DETECTIVE LATEST APPEARANCE The Batman (2022) ALFRED From bumbling fool to most trusted advisor. CRACKED.COM

The Hound from Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones FIRST APPEARANCE Winter is Coming LAST APPEARANCE The Bells THE HOUND A bastard with a heart deep down (very deep down). One half of Cleganebowl. CRACKED.COM


Cher called her 2010 movie Burlesque horrible. RLESQI Terrible director! Really terrible director. And really terrible script. ! remember him saying

Jack Nicholson

Jack Nicholson insisted McMurphy be the catalyst for the patient rebellion. ONE FLE OVER THE CUCKC'SNEST Director Milos Forman and Nicholson allegedly

Tim Burton

CRACKEDc COM DIRECTOR TIM BURTON BEST Ed Wood A fascinating depiction of a man once called the worst director of all time, anchored by two amazing p

Lindsay Lohan

On the set of future flop The Canyons, producer Braxton Pope claims that Lindsay Lohan demanded that he and all the other crew on set strip naked for

Game of Thrones

Anti-air guns guarded the Game of Thrones set. 1XI DRONEKILLER' A not taken on the GOT set The studio had people with drone killer guns watching th

Jackie Chan

Jackie Chan is famous for his on-set injuries while doing his own stunts. AROUR mf H00Z OPERATION CONDOR One such injury on the set of Armour of God I


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