40 Random News Headlines That Feel Like They Were Express Mailed From a Parallel Universe

Is it a good or bad sign when a Pope asks God for forgiveness but won’t say what he did?
40 Random News Headlines That Feel Like They Were Express Mailed From a Parallel Universe

Prince Andrew has a huge teddy bear collection, and he freaks out if the maids touch them.

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The Tinder Swindler

WEIRD WORLD The Tinder Swindler is now setting his sights higher- on a government job. Apparently, he'd like to be the foreign minister of Israel, he said. CRACKED.COM


World Record in Running

WEIRD WORLD A 105-year-old just set a world record in running (but she's not thrilled about it). NOT - TYE INB IND You'd think she'd be over the moon, but she says she wanted to do it in less than a minute. CRACKED.COM



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