39 Random Stats and Figures That’ll Reverse the Polarity of Every Atom in Your Brain
In a list of stats, each stat is a stat! Cool, right?

The phrase “What are the odds?” has become pretty popular over the years. Like, “Back for another list of stats, are we? What are the odds?”
Most of us know it to be a rhetorical question, but our Cracked statisticians take it as a call to action. So don’t go asking it around here, okay? They’ll get right on it, and they’re busy enough as it is. We need them focused on finding more of these numerical gems.
Personal Trainers

20/20 Vision





Student Loans

Magic Carpet Ride

Vacant Houses

The Biggest Rock in the World

The Tsar Bomb


Monarch Butterflies

The Longest Wedding Veil Ever

Guinness World Records
Three Mile Island


Gold in Them Thar Phones

Source: BBC


Source: World Population Review
Belly Buttons

The Ocean Floor

Peanut Butter

South Dakota


American Farmers


Man v Beast

Gay Monogamy

Whale Milk

Identical Twins

The Human Body

Frozen Water

Fear of Commitment

Source: Widely Believed Stereotypes That Are Completely False
Green Eyes

Soource: Healthline
Volunteer Firefighters

Source: 25 Surprising Things You Should Know About Common Jobs
So Many Arrests, So Little Time

Everyone’s Favorite Number

Larry Walker

Prime Numbers