40 Random Bits of Paranormal Trivia Sung to Us From Rocky Shores by a Group of Sirens

These spellbinding tidbits will lure you in for the kill
40 Random Bits of Paranormal Trivia Sung to Us From Rocky Shores by a Group of Sirens

This was an incredibly hard list to conjure up. See, normal, everyday facts captivate us enough as it is, but when they lure us in, theyre not trying to kill us. We really had to walk the line here. We had to catch these entrancing little paranormal nuggets before they caught us. It was like a snake-and-mongoose situation, and were fortunate enough to say that we came out on top — this time.

In 2008 this weird face was found in a picture taken at Tantallon Castle in Scotland. What's weirder is that a family found a similar face looking out

The Haunted Forest

... TELL US NOW. BROWN MOUNTAIN LIGHTS Pisgah National Forest, North Carolina Justin M. explains there's three folklore explanations for mysterious forest lights: ghosts of Cherokee warriors killed in the forest trying to find their way home by torchlight, ghosts of escaped slaves who died trying to flee to the North, and (of course) ALIENS. CRACKED.COM


The Acheri

Acheri CRACKEDcO W In Native American and Hindu folklore, the Acheri are the spirits of little girls who died horrible deaths. They return and childre


MYTH: Roswell, NMis the epicenter OfUFOactivityinthe U.S.. UFO CRASH SITE UFO Museum 114 N. Main Roswell FACT: Vermont sees the most UFO sightings per
CRACKEDCON BIGFOOT IS AN ALIEN UFO researcher Stan Gordon believes this because, in the '70s, he started noticing Bigfoot sightings in the same areas
TELL US NOW. CENTRAL STATE HOSPITAL INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA Amelia B. tells US of the now-closed psychiatric hospital that used to house 2500 patients, saying, The place supposedly closed because of abuse of the patients. High schoolers will hang out in the abandoned buildings and see all kinds of creepy things, but I won't go anywhere near there. CRACKED.COM

The World’s Most Haunted House

TELL US NOW. LOCATION: Bridgeport, Connecticut Jesse L. lives near The World's Most Haunted House. THE WORLD'S MOST HAUINTED HOUSE Tu BKIURPOR THK L
Jesse L.

The Conjuring

CRACKEDCON CONJURING THE is based on a real haunted house in Rhode Island... And its current owner Norma Sutcliffe is now constantly haunted by fans

The Number of Haunted Houses in Operation

There are more haunted houses in the U.S. than Targets. ©TARGET CRACKED.COM The Haunted House Association estimates that there are more than 2,700 haunted houses in operation in the United States, compared to 1,956 Targets.



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