43 Meaningful Bits of Nostalgia to Reminisce Over A Cool Glass of Tang

Get out your reading glasses for these bad boys
43 Meaningful Bits of Nostalgia to Reminisce Over A Cool Glass of Tang

Have you seen that one TikTok where a teenage girl talks about music from “the late nineteen hundreds”? It made us curl up in a ball and mourn our lost youth. 

But after making those involuntary dad grunts while getting up off the floor, we decided to not feel sorry for ourselves. We were born in those 1900s, and were damn proud of it. To prove it, we dug up these old gems from the museum that is our moms attic and asked that teen TikToker to help spread the good word. 

These were the good ol days, and theres no shame in that!

Makin’ My Way Downtown

CRACKED VANESSA CARLTON WAS THE QUEEN OF 2002. Her hit single A Thousand Miles and its music video made her world-famous. It remained in the Billboard Top Ten for 41 weeks, went double platinum and charted worldwide. No other song came close.

Born in the USA

Born in the USA by Bruce Springsteen The song has a long history of being used in a patriotic fashion, despite it being about the difficult experiences of a Vietnam veteran returning home. CRACKED.COM

Do the Bartman


Close Encounters of the Third Kind

CRACKED.COM Amazing effects made without CGI Close Encounters of the Third Kind Besides the insane model work, the alien ship was shot on 70 mm film, which has a greater resolution than the 35 mm film used for the rest of the movie. This allowed it to keep a good deal of sharpness and detail in the final composition.


The information discs that programs wear on their backs in Tron are really Frisbees. Frisbee coach Sam Schatz was hired to train the actors how to use them. CRACKED.COM

Jurassic Park

The raptors in Jurassic Park weren't CGI. Those were men in costumes. John Rosengrant was the main raptor suit performer. To make his movements convincing, he had to squat inside of the suit like a downhill skiier. It took work with a personal trainer to condition his body to hold the pose for long periods of time. CRACKED.COM


CRACKED TUKFZA SCREAM INCLUDED A SOLID NOD TO THE EXORCIST. Director Wes Craven brought in The Exorcist star Linda Blair for a cameo as a reporter. It's a clear tribute to one of the best horror films of all time.


CRACKED WE CAN SEE E.T.'S PALS IN STAR WARS: THE PHANTOM MENACE. George Lucas confirmed that 3 members of the Galactic Senate are members of the same species as E.T. This returned the favor, since Spielberg included a Yoda costume in E.T.

Pulp Fiction

CRACKED THE DIE HARD WITH A VENGEANCE AND PULP FICTION CONNECTION. In Pulp Fiction, Bruce Willis sings Flowers on the Wall over the soundtrack. Then, when he's asked how he's been in Die Hard with a Vengeance, he responds with the lyrics from the song, smoking cigarettes and watching Captain Kangaroo.


He-Man was a toy before it was a TV show. When trying to sell the toy a Mattel sales rep told distributors a TV show was in the works- which was a lie. However, the lie sold the toy- forcing Mattel to create a TV show around the action figure. CRACKED.COM

Lincoln Logs

Frank Lloyd Wright's son, John Lloyd Wright, invented the Lincoln Logs. Не got the idea when he saw his dad employ a similar interlocking style in order to earthquake proof one of his buildings. CRACKED.COM

Mr. Potato Head

Mr. Potato Head used to be a real potato... that you had to provide. TRY НЕТ ВОД POTA E! BA Pie F any Inela bod ma Originally MR the toy came with Lot to e stick into a had In 1964 potato you Mattel began providing the plastic potato body. CRACKED.COM

Little Tikes

In 1991, The Little Tikes Cozy Coupe was America's best selling car. little likes For over 40 years, the company has sold 457,000 cars each year. CRACKED.COM


Furbies were banned from the Pentagon. Officials feared the toy would record classified information. CRACKED.COM

G.I. Joe

In the 1980s, the struggling HASBRO toy company released a new action figure for its GIJOE line. The new character SNAKE EYES was clad completely in BLACK because Hasbro couldn't afford COLORED PAINT. CRACKED.COM

Bench Seats

GRAGKED.COM Bench seats made cuddling our dates SO much easier.

Crash Bandicoot

CRACKED.COM In a world filled with first-person shooters, CRASH BANDICOOT EDOONEAMEOANTANTEO is begging to make a comeback.

Sonic the Hedgehog

Sonic the 1994 1995 The 1902 1993 109 Hedgehog 1999 1990 made 1992 199 1996 1999 his like debut THO in 1991. 1993 1997 1991 1992 1995 STATE And Resident 10 Evil was released in 1996. 1992 1993 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 NOW YOU KNOW: THE '90s CRACKED.COM



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Hood Ornaments

Hood ornaments. Remember those? Maybe not. Sort of a callback to the figureheads on old wooden ships, you'd find 'em on most of the classier cars. Sti

Fried Apple Pies

In the early 90's, McDonald's began offering baked pies, essentially phasing out M. FRIED APPLE PIES, the vastly superior, crispy, oozy, blister your

Lime Skittles

CRACKED CONT SKittles Better Tasted The Rainbow Ones The Green When Lime! Were

Cheez Balls

Planters cheez Balls, losing you made our fingers a little less PLANTERS cheese dusty. Cheez Please Balls come back. AUBNOTESE RLNIG EFLAKK NEW! CRACK

The Zone



Spheres are boring! Bring back the fruit- shaped Trix! CRACKED COM

The Hubble Telescope

The Human Genome Project was 1990 1991 1998 1999 1990 launched in 1990. 1998 1999 1997 996 So was the Hubble 1997 1995 Space Telescope. 1992 1993 1990 1991 1994 1995 1996 1998 1999 NOW YOU KNOW: THE '90s CRACKED.COM


1990s Male Hair Trends

Men were 1994 1995 11 1992 1993 1994 bleaching their 1992 1990 hair in 9 the late '90s. for 1999 Bangs 1993 men 1995 were 1996 1997 also 1998 1997 big at that time, either 1994 1995 1993 flipped up or curtained. 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 NOW YOU KNOW: THE '90s CRACKED.COM


Disney Renaissance

The '90s are 1994 1995 15 1992 1993 1994 sometimes 199 called the Disney the 92 Renaissance. 1993 1994 1995 1996 999 1991 1997 It began in late 1989 with the wildly successful The Little Mermaid, 199 reached its peak in popularity with The Lion King in 1994, and ended in 1999 with Tarzan. 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 CRACKED.COM NOW YOU KNOW: THE '90s


The Original Addams Family

The Addams Family MORTICIA AND GOMEZ DO THE TANGO TO THE ORIGINAL ADDAMS FAMILY THEME. The theme of the original '60s show was written by the late Vic Mizzy. CRACKED.COM



Minoxidil, the main ingredient in hair treatment products such as Rogaine, was originally developed in the 60s to treat hypertension. That was until t


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