40 Embarrassing Facts About the US of A That Each Deserve Their Own Star on the Flag

Factory-farmed facts!
40 Embarrassing Facts About the US of A That Each Deserve Their Own Star on the Flag

Like everything in the U.S., were pumpin out the facts! Our vast production line is right out of a How It’s Made episode, and our warehouse is stacked to the brim with tasty little tidbits for the brain. 

Here, our severely under-qualified forklift driver just knocked over this entire stack right now! 

Number of Cars in the U.S.

There are almost as many cars in the U.S. as there are people. The average for all 50 states is 910 cars per 1,000 citizens. The numbers for the European Union countries are much lower-587 cars per 1,000 citizens. CRACKED.COM
CRACKED.COM Only the U.S. has widely adopted in-sink garbage disposals. insinkeraborg food waste dispose Because of how much water they use and the burden they put on sewage systems, in-sink garbage disposals are really unpopular outside the U.S. For example, nearly half of U.S. households have in-sink garbage disposals, but only 5% of U.K. ones do. They used to be banned in Japan and Australia, and still are in Austria, Portugal, and the Netherlands.
BREAD To visitors from other countries, American bread tastes like cake. That's because manufacturers add a ton of high-fructose corn syrup-the stuff is so cheap there, thanks to corn subsidies. Some people think American bread tastes better. Others think the sweetness makes it incompatible with any kind of topping. GRACKED.COM
The rehearsal dinner is a huge part of any wedding, right? Sure, having one is a long-standing tradition (it's from the 19th century)- but only a tradition in the U.S. CRACKED.COM
Unlike many other countries around the world, America doesn't officially embrace the tradition of napping. It's a cultural expectation in places like Italy, Spain, Greece, the Philippines, Nigeria & others, but viewed as slacking here. GRAGKED.COM
The culture of people openly carrying guns in public is a shocking concept to people from non-gun countries. They only ever see things like that in action movies! CRACKED.COM
People outside the U.S. think it's crazy that Americans have to file their own taxes. OPOL Many non-U.S. countries have taxes prepared by their revenue agency. For example, in Japan you get a postcard with your earnings and taxes owed and withheld. You only have to reply if there is a problem. CRACKED.COM
CRACKED.COM 73% of adult Americans believe in heaven Only 62% believe in hell. (The survey did not immediately offer a definition for either.)

Source: PEW

Nude Beaches

Americans care way too much about nudity. Being nude is still seen as taboo to Americans. Most Europeans don't really care. They let it BEACH all hang

American Sleep Schedules

On workdays, 53% of Americans get fewer than seven hours of sleep. Those numbers are considerably lower in other Western countries - 39% in the UK, 36% in Germany, 30% in Canada, and 29% in Mexico. CRACKED.COM


Thomas Jefferson brought his 19-year-old slave James Hemings to Paris in 1784. Jefferson wanted Hemings to learn how to cook French food. CRACKED COM
The incarceration rate in the US is the highest in the world, but not all states lock up their peaple at the same rate. Louisiana has the highest inca


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