42 Fruitful Financial Facts That Begin Compounding the Second You Read Them

The quicker you get these in your brain, the quicker they start earning
42 Fruitful Financial Facts That Begin Compounding the Second You Read Them

They say that a fact saved is a fact earned, but if you invest it properly, a single fact could actually earn you all kinds of facts. Its like a little spark that really gets you thinking about other relevant facts. Next thing you know, youre hunting down even more facts and becoming a complete whiz on the subject. And hey, when the subject is money, you can start doing some serious earning in that realm too! 

Heres a whole bunch of little deposits to get you started now…

Rich people have special therapists to help them from becoming mentally unstable due to their wealth. Called wealth therapists, their job is to help t


PLUTOPHOBIA CRACKED COM Most people wish they had more money, but plutophobia is a fear of money or wealth. It may stem from a fear of the responsibilities or pressures associated with it, so they may sabotage their own career to prevent them from making more money.
Beyonce bought an $80k Barbie. CRACKEDCON For Blue Ivy's first birthday, Beymomce picked her up a Barbie from... Target? KB Toys? Who stocks this stuf

Universal Basic Income

A BIG STUDY FOUND UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME DOESN'T MAKE PEOPLE WORK LESS. A Finnish study gave 2,000 unemployed people €560 a month for two years (even if they got a job), and compared how they did with how people on unemployment did. The people on UBI had better mental health, confidence, and finances, and weren't less likely to look for work. CRACKED.COM


DOLLAR rbine COINS Hendensatot CRACKEDcO In 2007, the US government thought dollar coins would replace bills, saving the mint $4.4 billion over the ne

Source: NPR

Donald Trump

On August 21, 2019, Trump tweeted that the dollar was the strongest it's been in history. That day, the U.S. Dollar Index the most common measure of t
When abroad, pay using the local currency instead of your home one. Paying using your home currency will get you poor exchange rates and extra fees fr

The Aztecs

Cacao Beans The Aztecs loved chocolate sO much they used cocoa beans as curreNCY.
Don't exchange currency at the airport if you can help it. Currency Exchange Travelex troved money hurd E WELCOME TO GLASGOW ARPORT Online collection


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