38 Debunked Misconceptions to Help You Gain Superiority Above Those Who Still Believe
We’ve got some big ol’ eye rolls for anyone who still believes these

For anyone who blindly believes some random fact they just stumbled upon, we’d like to inform you that there’s a little thing called Google. Believing any old thing was a bit more acceptable in the pre-Google days, since leafing through encyclopedias or trekking down to the library was a pain in the butt. Nowadays, though, there’s no excuse.
Here, we searched for and debunked these myths and misconceptions to help get your feet wet, but from now on, you’re on your own, kiddo.
Sell-By Dates

Organic Food




Swallowing Spiders

Source: Scientific American

Toilet Flushing

Source: HowStuffWorks
T. Rexes


Spartan Children

Sex and Stamina


Connecticut’s Nickname

Benjamin Franklin’s Kite

Taste Buds

The Color of Blood


Urine Is Sterile

Mental Illness

Serial Killer Geniuses

Benito Mussolini

Remaining Silent After Being Arrested

Source: 14 Myths About Crime We Believe (Thanks To Pop Culture)
Bonnie and Clyde

Source: 14 Myths About Crime We Believe (Thanks To Pop Culture)
Serial Killers

The Dumb Blonde Stereotype

A Goldfish’s Memory

Source: Telegraph

Friday the 13th

Being John Malkovich


The Polish Charging German Tanks

Alexandria Library

The Legend of Zelda

Chris Martin


Human Trafficking

Somali Pirates