36 Real-World Secrets Uncovered During Our Working Interview for the CIA

If anyone asks, you didn’t get these from us
36 Real-World Secrets Uncovered During Our Working Interview for the CIA

The CIA doesnt mind if you share their secrets, do they? We wanted to ask them, but we didnt want to sound like idiots on our first day. They admired our ability to uncover lesser-known or even fully hidden facts from around the world, and tasked us with finding a few for them. Well definitely pass these along to them (as promised), but if they think that were going to withhold them from you guys, theyre sorely mistaken. 

Because if they want to work with us, they need to know where our loyalties lie.

Caravaggio’s Secret

CRACKED In his 1595 portrait of Bacchus, the god of wine, Caravaggio snuck in a minute self-portrait as a reflection in a carafe of wine. It took centuries for the miniature cameo to be spotted.

David’s Eyes

Michaelangelo's David has a very nervous expression, but this cannot be seen from the perspective of a normal viewer. Only someone to the front and above - such as a giant-can see the doubt and fear on his face. CRACKED COM

The School of Athens

CRACKED Raphael's The School of Athens is hella dense, featuring 52 characters. The setting is also quite something: it's modeled on the architectural plans for St. Peter's Basilica, which wouldn't be finished for another century - like a renaissance CGI walkthrough.


A Self-Portrait

CRACKED Flemish artist Clara Peeters' Still Life with Cheeses, Almonds and Pretzels features another incredibly subtle self-portrait - Peeters painted with such accuracy that she included herself reflected in the rim of the jug.

An Unexpected Nerve Agent

Charlie Rowley, from Wilstshire, England, couldn't believe his luck when he found a sealed box of what looked like expensive designer perfume, and gave it to his girlfriend, Dawn Sturgess. O Unfortunately the bottle contained a nerve agent of the same type that had been used recently to poison a Russian spy, and Sturgess died after applying it to her wrists. Rowley nearly succumbed, himself. GRAGKED.COM


Nazi Relics

A 2017 Argentine police raid on an art collector's home found a secret room with Nazi relics. - F The room had toys, statues, medical devices and more, all probably owned by top Nazi party members. CRACKED.COM

Harry Potter

The clock tower Harry Potter flew over has a fancy apartment. Inside the St. Pancras clock tower, there's an apartment with ridiculously high ceilings and two bedrooms. Unfortunately, since it's literally on top of a train station, neither bedroom can give you a good night's sleep. CRACKED.COM

Benjamin Franklin

Renovation of Benjamin Franklin's house in London has led to the discovery of human and animal skeletons in the basement. bank - adidas - - - - ساد - Franklin let his friend, William Hewson, use the home as a secret anatomy school, when the only way to obtain bodies for research was to buy them from merchants who illicitly dug up corpses from recent burials. GRAGKED.COM

Dinosaur Valley State Park

CRACKED The river at Dinosaur Valley State Park dried up due to a severe drought, uncovering new tracks that had been buried under layers of sediment. The park is located southwest of Dallas and the majority of the tracks date back 113 million years.


Prehistoric Stones

CRACKED Due to a severe drought, water levels in reservoirs across Spain are at an all time low. This has revealed the long-hidden ruins of 11th century churches and prehistoric stone circles, which have become popular tourist destinations.


Norman Rockwell

A Norman Rockwell painting was discovered in a secret compartment inside the walls of a cartoonist's house. CRACKED.COM Don Trachte had forged several paintings he owned to stop his ex-wife from getting them in a divorce settlement and had hidden the originals. It'd been hidden there for 35 years.

Hidden in the Flowers

The cover of the Rolling Stones album Their Satanic Majesties Request, has the faces of their rivals, The Beatles, hidden in the flowers. Ringo Paul George John GRACKED.COM


Hidden Lobsters

what's the deal with TRADER JOE'S? Can you find the hidden LOBSTER? GRACKED.COM Nearly all Trader Joe's locations have a lobster or other stuffed creature hiding on the shelves for kids (and their adults) to find. Spot it, then grab a crew member to receive a treat for digging up the hidden treasure. S


Spies on Record

Spies used records to hide maps and cash In a tactic British Intelligence called FG. Z Operation Smash Hit, maps and foreign money would be hidden i

U.S. Cyber Command

The U.S. CYBER COMMAND cyber STATES Command emblem contains X a hidden code. When cracked, the 32 character string translates into the unit's (lengthy

SS Treasure

CRACKED THE SS DEATH'S HEAD RING TREASURE There's a huge stash of money hidden in a cave near Wewelsburg Castle in Germany that was put there by the SS at the end of WWII. It's worth tens of millions of dollars.

Satan’s Portrait

CRACKED Giotto's 13th century frescoes in the Basilica of St. Francis in Assisi had a hidden secret for centuries - nobody could get up high enough to spot a side-on portrait of Satan hidden in the clouds.

Nazi Checkpoints

A Tour de France winner during WWII used his fame to smuggle documents through Nazi checkpoints. CRACKED.COM Under the guise of train- ing, Gino Bartali smug- gled counterfeit docu- ments hidden inside his bi- cycle in Italy. These docu- ments allowed as many as 800 Jews escape persecu- tion by the Nazis.


Fire on the Titanic

TITANIC A SONG OF FIRE BURNED AND HULL? ICE Historians have recently uncovered evidence that a small fire that began in the boiler rooms before the sh


The Finnish military had a swastika on their logo until 2020. CRACKED.COM Finland's air force has been using a swastika ever since it was founded in 1918, but outside pressure made them change it... to a golden eagle with its wings proudly outstretched. Oh no.

Unknown Human Remains

A family in Modesto, California was trying to bury their pet in their backyard when they accidentally uncovered the remains of a human. The identity o

Mass Sacrifice

CRACKED 12E EVEN MORE REVOLTING EVIDENCE OF MASS SACRIFICE. Researchers uncovered a tower made of 650 human skulls in Mexico City, which suggests that human sacrifice was more widespread in the Aztec Empire than previously thought - even involving women and children.

Nazi Documents

During a renovation, a Hungarian couple accidentally uncovered 6300 Nazi documents behind a wall in their apartment. usbia Adatszolgaltatasi M E. read

The Secrets of the Ice Project

CRACKED As the Earth's glaciers melt at an alarming rate, ancient artifacts are being uncovered. The Secrets of the Ice project has been surveying the glaciers on Norway's highest mountains in Oppland since 2011 and has found a slew of treasures frozen in time and ice. Almost 3,000 archeological artifacts have been found in Oppland, including wooden skis dating back to circa 700 and Viking swords.



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