36 Real-World Secrets Uncovered During Our Working Interview for the CIA
If anyone asks, you didn’t get these from us

The CIA doesn’t mind if you share their secrets, do they? We wanted to ask them, but we didn’t want to sound like idiots on our first day. They admired our ability to uncover lesser-known or even fully hidden facts from around the world, and tasked us with finding a few for them. We’ll definitely pass these along to them (as promised), but if they think that we’re going to withhold them from you guys, they’re sorely mistaken.
Because if they want to work with us, they need to know where our loyalties lie.
Caravaggio’s Secret


David’s Eyes

The School of Athens

A Self-Portrait

An Unexpected Nerve Agent

An Active Bomb

Nazi Relics

Harry Potter

Benjamin Franklin

Hidden Bombs

Dinosaur Valley State Park


Prehistoric Stones

Sunken Ferry

Norman Rockwell

Hidden in the Flowers

Pig-Discovered Cocaine

Hidden Lobsters

Spies on Record

U.S. Cyber Command

SS Treasure

Hidden Compartments in Cars

Satan’s Portrait

Nazi Checkpoints

Ancient Manuscripts

A Giant Penguin

Fire on the Titanic


The Hidden City of Derinkuyu

A 4th Century Urn

The Catholic Church

Unknown Human Remains

Mass Sacrifice

Nazi Documents

The Secrets of the Ice Project