30 Wild Things People Have Tasted That Almost No One Else Has

30 Wild Things People Have Tasted That Almost No One Else Has

The culinary world continues to expand in unprecedented ways. Mayonnaise is available in slice form, you can make milk out of pretty much anything and we can now eat “meat” made of plants. 

Still, there’s so much else out there that’s yet to be tasted — and in many cases, that’s probably for the best. For example, one Redditor was injured in a rocket attack in Afghanistan, and while lying there in the dirt, he realized his ear felt weird. He reached up to touch it, and his fingers became covered in a syrupy substance that he then, for whatever reason, decided to lick. It was cerebrospinal fluid from his brain. He said that it tasted “mildly sweet,” for those interested. 

Other Redditors have revealed the things that passed their lips and probably shouldn’t have, including a latte flavor that would get PETA pretty fired up.

plaidosaur 10y ago Edited 10y ago I'd been coding every waking hour for two weeks straight. The deadline loomed 6 hours away. I had been up for 36 hours. The desk was a mess. I reached for fresh coffee #4 of the day. I grasped coffee #1 from 2 weeks ago. It had one of those to go lids that take cues from a toddler's juice cup. I pulled in a full mouthful of bitter, sickly sweet, fermented, moldy liquid. I then spent the next 10 minutes over the sink willing vomit down while I rinsed Essence of Disgust from
laptopaccount 20d ago o My pet fox peed on my face/mouth while I was asleep, so I've tasted fox pee. I could taste it for over an hour even after rinsing my mouth. 0/10 would not recommend. 26 Reply Share ...
Kaffekjerring 20d ago o Actual battery acid, stupid I was I thought the stickyness I suddenly had on my finger was from the candy I just ate NOPE it was from the TV remote I used 72 Reply Share ...
elasmonut 20d ago e Callamus root, a quasi psychadelic akin to nutmeg kind of, terrible experience all round do not reccomend. 76 Reply Share ...
Yayanesss 2y ago Some neon yellow liquid I had to take during an imaging test of my esophagus and stomach. It tasted like what you would imagine poison tastes like + 799 ...
clevermuggle 10y ago o Accidentally got deodorant in my mouth once. Not only does it not taste as good as it smells, but the antiperspirant sucks all the moisture from your tongue, which is a really unpleasant experience. + 567 ...
 10y ago . One morning I stumbled to my boyfriend's sink to brush my teeth. I started brushing and noticed a lack of minty fresh taste. I didn't have my contacts in yet and ran back to the tube I used for toothpaste. It was his foot cream. 68 ...
u/ljstrydor 10y ago Umbilical cord blood from a complete stranger. Not even lying, I use to be a paramedic and had to deliver a baby in the field once. I did everything exactly how I was taught in school and clamped the cord down and proceeded to cut it with my scalpel. They neglected to teach us in school that the clamped part of the cord is still under pressure. Blood squirted in my mouth, on my shirt and on my pants, so I basically had to suction a newborn baby and stimulate her while savoring the taste of the
PuzzledWildebeest 20d ago Yew berries. The only nonpoisonous part of a tree that every other part is deadly. Including the seed inside. Do not recommend. 89 Reply Share ...
MooreArchives 20d ago My own cooked flesh. I had laser oral surgery. Couldn't help it. Coulda used salt. 261 Reply Share ...
Cucumberneck . 20d ago e Cow shit. I was explaining something to fresher farm workers when the cow decided to stomp into a pile of it. 278 Reply Share ...
e 20d ago - ChampionshipAlarmed Well, not me, but my daughter ate a stinkt bug once... That was an intense experience... Stank on the way in...and on the way out... 469 Reply Share ...
yurri 20d ago Rat shit. I used to have pet rats when I was in the uni, and I was one carrying one of them from one dorm to another. Не left a few droppings in my jacket pocket he was in (it was short walk so I just put him in my roomy pocket). I didn't notice, and few weeks later I forgot about it at all, put some nuts in the same pocket and started eating them, until one of them tasted really weird. + 764 Reply Share ...
Extension_Cress_2084 e 21d ago E Probably Rattlesnake. Not much flavor, very stringy, and has a lot of bones. + 1.1K Reply Share ...
Woodland-Wench 20d ago Elephant For context, it wasn't hunted. It was already dead. Got hit by a train So technically, it was roadkill. So that's 2 things I guess.. + 2.6K Reply Share ...
karaokechameleon e 21d ago The asphalt on the crosswalk in front of the Flatiron building in NYC. Potholes are a bitch. + 3.6K Reply Share ...
Spearofaesir 20d ago Bronze Age cremated human bones. Had my coffee cup standing right next to the tub I was cleaning them after excavation. Scrubbed the sediment off of it with a toothbrush and it sputtered together with tiny fractions of the bones all around and also in that coffee. The last sip felt a little coarse and on the bottom of the cup were still white particles between the sand and coffee grounds. + 2.5K Reply Share ...
MehhRobot 20d ago Termites, and it was surprisingly good. Minty if I recall correctly, was many years ago. 1.6K Reply Share ... Catflappy 20d ago I ate termites in Australia and they tasted kind of like cinnamon/nutmeg. It's over for them once termite spice lattes take off in the US. Reply Share 1.1K ...
Serberou5 e 20d ago . Edited 20d ago e Used a glass of water to put cig butts in when I smoked. Woke up in the middle of the night desperate for a drink and swallowed 2 chuggs before I realised what was going on. It tastes even worse than you might expect.
Hellspark08 20d ago E Edited 20d ago A ladybug flew into my mouth when I was riding my bike as a kid. Ladybugs secrete a yellow bitter goop when they get eaten as a fuck you, don't eat me mechanism, so that happened. Had to run inside and rinse out my mouth, which didn't really help. Edit: Wow, there are a lot of ladybug tasters in here. My people + 8.3K Share Reply ...
meme_medic95 20d ago I was injured in a rocket attack in Afghanistan. I remember lying in the dirt and my ear felt weird, like swimmer's ear. I have sensitive ears, so I stuck my finger in my ear to try to drain it, only to have my finger come away with a thick syrupy substance. It was dark, so I couldn't see what it was, and my nose was broken and bleeding. I decided, fuck it, I licked it. It tasted mildly sweet. It was cerebrospinal fluid. From my brain. + Reply Share 19K ...
No_Ground7568 20d ago 18 Molar Sulphuric Acid Back in the day you sucked things into a pipet. Sometime I sucked too hard. This time I got a mouth full of acid. I tasted sweet for two weeks. + 1.5K Reply Share ...
DopeyDave442 . 4mo ago Bogong moths (Australia). Thrown over coals, wings etc get burnt off and the bodies end up crunchy 5 Reply ...
theflyinghillbilly 4y ago o A lightning bug (firefly). I was running through the garden at dusk and one flew into my mouth. It was disgusting! Very chemical. + 11K ...
4mo ago LysergicPlato59 I was offered what I thought were hard boiled eggs at a party. I bit into it and discovered I was eating a fertilised turtle egg. Yes, I was disgusted. + 24 Reply ...
nosheet . 10y ago S the dust that comes off of new rubber bands 27 ...
arreis-nyll . 2y ago The liquid you have to drink while pregnant to test for Gestational Diabetes. Never had my throat close at the taste of something so bad before!! 109 ...
Lavender403 4mo ago The liver of an Arctic char. Raw. Eaten while the char itself was still alive. I was an honored guest of an Inuit elder in Nunavut and this was a cultural tradition. Tasted fishier than rancid fish! + 45 Reply ...
Illesac 10y ago . Chewing tobacco spit. Damn brown fluid in a coke bottle!!! 55 ...
Silly-Masterpiece972 20d ago 0 A whole pencil 14 Reply Share ...


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