25 Live Performances Gone Wrong

‘She lived, but broke pretty much every bone in her body’
25 Live Performances Gone Wrong

Rarely do we consider that something could go horrifically wrong during a live performance. We’ve seen our share of lip-sync fails and wardrobe malfunctions, but even those rank pretty low on the disaster scale. I mean, have you ever seen a trapeze artist fall from their wire and break nearly every bone in their body? That’s the kind of thing that scars an audience — and likely the trapeze artist — for life. 

Redditors have relayed the wildest things they’ve seen unfold during a live performance, including an unsurprising display by Grimes.

bvanno 10y ago e Does the circus count? Because I saw the trapeze artist fall off of the wire. From really high up. No net underneath. She lived, but broke pretty much every bone in her body. I was like 8, it was horrifying. + 412 ...
areddd 10y ago e I saw Justin Bieber throw up on stage in Phoenix a couple years ago. Greatest. Experience. Ever. Girls crying everywhere, parents losing their shit, and me just laughing my ass off. + 988 ...
 10y ago Saw a music major student come out on stage to play a piano recital, and he slid right off the overly- waxed piano bench right onto the floor before playing the first note. The audience laughed because they thought maybe it was part of his act - but it wasn't, and it took him 15 mins. behind stage thereafter to regain his confidence. I honestly felt sorry for him, even though it was hilarious at the moment. + 1.5K ...
AmlonFire 10y ago I don't know of this counts or not, but a few years ago, I was on one of those haunted hayrides, where they load people into hay carts and pull them with tractors, through trails and fields, where spooky scenes and actors are waiting to scare you. Well, at one point, an actor dressed like a zombie came shuffling toward us, slipped in the mud and went right under the tractor. We all thought it was part of the show until the ride was cut short and an ambulance showed up + 602 ...
Tara113 8y ago I saw Miley Cyrus in Boston of winter 2014. It was maybe a week or so after one of her dogs died. She had a giant statue prop of the dog onstage, but instead of performing the song when the statue came out, she just fell to the floor and started crying for 5 minutes straight. As the instrumental played (don't remember which song, maybe Adore?), Noah and her background dancers came out and gave her a group hug. They all just cuddled on stage for 5 minutes. I wish I had it on camera, because literally
mokitsu 8y ago . when i went to see 30 seconds to mars in 2011, the stage kinda started caving in because the props or whatever were too heavy, two hours later they came back and finished the set 6 ...
simbaismylittlebuddy 6y ago e Student production of The Secret Garden. During a scene change Colin's prop bed was dropped by the crew on a kid in a wheelchair in the front row. There's no recovering from that. 3.6K Share ...
mkicon 10y ago At the house of blues in New Orleans they had an alternative band opening for Slayer. The show was sponsored by Heineken, and they were selling it in plastic bottles. Well the opening band was on and the crowd wasn't pleased. The bottles began to fly and hit the band members so they were outta there. I felt bad for them, but honestly whoever picked them to open for Slayer probably deserves a few bottles to the head. + 600 ...
ThereAreNoMoreNames 10y ago One of the openers for a popular local band was just... so strange. She was wearing PJs, brought out her laptop and sat on a couch, and rapped her own lyrics along to popular songs. It sounded horrible, and people were blatantly on their phones and having conversations instead of listening to her. She called out the audience for being rude and walked off stage about to cry. It was just....weird. + 727 ...
 8y ago Not sure if this counts, but Carly Rae Jepsen headlined a music festival in my hometown back when Call Me Maybe was popular and she literally left the stage mid song (I think she was performing Bucket or something) to go put on sunscreen... But she was gone for almost 10 minutes so I have to think something else was going on. + 1 ...
camerinian 8y ago Grimes loudly belched at the start of one of her songs and busted out laughing for most of the first verse This was at a festival so the crowd was high as balls too and played along with her. It was a bit surreal honestly 6 ...
 10y ago . A live performance of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead: both Rosencrantz and Guildenstern forgot their lines. Rosencrantz said, Ooh, I think I saw something over there! Не sprinted off-stage for a few seconds and they skipped about twenty minutes of the show to cut straight to Act III.
bexhexyea 10y ago e When I was younger, I saw Brand New, Motion City Soundtrack and Coheed & Cambria. During C&C's set, someone threw a shoe on stage, and the lead singer tripped on it and fell into the drum set. They did recover from this rather smoothly though, and the rest of the band had kept playing.
 10y ago . Saw a youth production of The King and I with the 30-ish male director casting himself of the King.The King's red satin pants were a little too tight and he had no underwear on beneath...combined with the overhead lighting, you would just see this shiny, bouncing moose knuckle whenever he walked around on stage. 126 ...
TheBarberOfFleetSt 10y ago I was at a small scale play. A girl who was probably in her 30s walked out in a dress and as she entered the stage, her character through her arms up in the air and her WHOLE boob came out. Right on stage for everyone to see. Not to mention that she was CENTER stage because it was her characters entrance. Now this wasn't an ordinary nip slip. This was the real deal. Full boobie. She played it off fantastically and just popped it back into her dress and continued on. Other than that the show
 Зу ago I saw James addiction in like 1990 and they played seven songs, someone dumped a soda on the soundboard, perry flipped us the bird and they walked off. There was almost a riot after that 48 Reply ...
midwesternfloridian 6y ago You haven't lived until you've seen a middle-aged Elvis Impersonator sing the wrong lyrics to the National Anthem before a Wichita Thunder minor league hockey game. + 43K Share ...
mateo8165 10y ago Was at a lollapalooza show in cincinnati in the mid nineties. The Jesus Lizard had just started their main stage set. The lead singer was so drunk that in middle of their first incomprehensible song, he yelled to audience everybody get naked! Не proceeded to strip completely naked and run around the stage. Cincinnati police ran on stage and dragged him off. End of set. 86 ...
banamana27 10y ago I went to a Van Morrison concert and his daughter was the opener. Van Morrison is a cranky old curmudgeon. During his daughter's performance, there were some feedback issues, which the sound guy quickly fixed. When Van came onstage, he brought the sound guy up and SCREAMED at him into the mic in front of the entire audience. Later in the show, there was a quiet moment between songs. Someone from the audience yelled out play Brown Eyed Girl!! Van looked straight at the guy and viciously yelled, who the FUCK invited you? 103 ...
Sargwa 10y ago I saw a stripper light herself on fire by accident during a part of a fire breathing act. It was my first time at a strip club - for a friends birthday - and it was the only place in a relatively small university town. The bouncer had to put her out with a fire blanket. They ushered us out quietly while the whole place smelled like burnt hair... + 53 ...
olcrazypete 10y ago Outdoor festival concert, Dolly Parton was on stage in the middle of I will always love you. She's belting it when she stops singing in the middle, kinda spits, then does a little giggle and says sorry y'all, think I swallowed a bug, mind if I try that again. She takes it from the beginning of the chorus like nothing happened. Could have been bad, ended up being a cool example of a professional. 37 ...
returnofthedok . 10y ago e I saw Bruce Dickenson from Iron Maiden slip on beer that was thrown on stage and get knocked completely unconscious. + 28 ...
CoolRunner 10y ago e The solo artist came onstage and played most of his set with his fly down. We tried to tell him, but he thought we were just cheering really strangely. 21 ...
O qwertykitty 10y ago Edited 10y ago I was at a 4th of July fireworks display that had some random band singing patriotic songs below. Well, after about the first 5 fireworks went off, one misfired and went off only about 10 feet from the ground and the fire from it set off all the other fireworks directly on the ground. Everyone on stage and close by panicked and ran and it was a huge chaos of people, lawn chairs, cars rushing out, and fire and smoke. The news later said that were a few people were injured but nothing
patchworktablecloth 10y ago When I was little, my parents took me to see a production of Annie. During her first big song, the girl who played Annie just peed everywhere. Under the spotlight. She kept singing, for which I give her major credit. After the song and scene ended, a bunch of stagehands in makeshift orphan costumes came onstage and mopped it up. I'll never forget it. + 1.4K ...


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