40 Cromulent Facts About ‘The Simpsons’

We had a blast reading these facts, so we’re guessing that you’re pretty yellow with envy right about now. We’re not exactly sure if that’s the color normally associated with envy, but it’s a Simpsons list, so it is today.
Anyway, we’ve got 40 four-fingered facts comin’ your way. Unless there’s a fact about one of God’s few appearances, that’ll be the only five-fingered fact since he’s the only character to appear with five fingers on the show. Looks like Springfieldians weren’t made in his image.

Early Smithers

Who Shot Mr. Burns?

Barney Gumble

Paul and Linda McCartney

Geffen Records,
20th Television
Saving Lives

20th Television

The Simpsons

Source: 24 Pop Culture Iconic Things (That Bombed Initially)

Source: CNN
The Simpsons Movie (Yet Again)

Source: Screen Rant

Alan Moore and Thomas Pynchon

The Simpsons

More: The Simpsons McBain Saga Shows Audiences Used To Be Blind
The Simpsons

Source: Vents Magazine
The Simpsons

Source: OPB

Source: New York Daily News
George Meyer

Source: 23 Amazing People Who Were Screwed Out of History Books
Reservoir Dogs

Source: 15 Potential Simpsons Cameos That Didn’t Become Reality

Brooke Shields

Adam West

The Simpsons

Matt Groening

The Critic

The Simpsons

Simpsons 101

The Cheap Imitators

The Original Opening Sequence

The Simpsons

Groundskeeper Willie

Homer As Krusty