38 Historical Tidbits From Our Strange Past That Helped Shape Our Strange Present

Our ancestors got up to some weird and wild stuff
38 Historical Tidbits From Our Strange Past That Helped Shape Our Strange Present

If youre like us and youre looking for someone or something to blame for your present predicament, then look no further. While we were combing the sands of time, we realized that no matter how ridiculous these historical moments were, they still somehow shaped our weird little lives today. Like strange, sloppy little butterfly wings. 

So after reading this list, you can rest easy knowing that your current situation isnt all your parents fault!

The US is home to about 200 million starlings, and it's because of Shakespeare. In 1890, there was a program to bring every bird species from Shakespeare's plays to North America, and that included releasing 60 starlings in Central Park. Eventually, that number grew to 200 million. CRACKED.COM
The oldest known Elvis autograph is in an old book, from 1948. Elvis, then 13, signed his name on a library card in that book in 1948 (it's English Fairy Tales). CRACKED.COM


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