29 Funny Examples of Local Slang

What the heck is a holler?
29 Funny Examples of Local Slang

If you heard someone say, “The odds are good, but the goods are odd,” what would that mean to you? For Alaskans, it’s a phrase that refers to the amount of strange or eccentric people you’ll meet in pursuit of romance. Given the bizarre choice of words, I have no doubt that the Alaskan people live up to the proverb

To that end, a number of Redditors have shared the local slang or turns-of-phrase that either mean nothing or something entirely different to outsiders, including one about a monkey that I think we should use in every part of the world.

breelynne27 3y ago I've known him since he was knee high to a grasshopper! My grandma also taught me I'm so hungry I could eat the south end of a skunk going north. 2 ...
Tav17-17 I 3y ago Colder than a witch's tit in a brass bra. Might just be my wife's family. Floridians... + 4 ...
weirdoldhobo1978 3y ago . I've been everywhere, man. I've been everywhere. When it comes to romantic liaisons, most Alaskans adhere to the idium The odds are good, but the goods are odd. 5 ...
SaturdayHeartache e 2y ago My Greek-American grandparents would always say close the light open the TV because that's how it is said in Greek + 22 ...
Silentcrypt 3y ago I used to hear Hotter than a four balled tomcat a lot when I was young in the South. People would say it when talking about spicy food. Also heard Sweatier than the devils ass crack when talking about how humid and hot it is outside. Also Devil beating his wife with a frying pan whenever it would rain on a sunny day with no rain clouds. + 11 ...
Captain_Depth 0 2y ago New York If I feel gross I usually say I feel like dog water which was pointed out to me as not being very common, and then when it's too early in the morning, you're doing whatever at the ass crack of dawn. 13 ...
 3y ago You look you were rode hard and put away wet. - said to someone who looks especially tired or bedraggled. All hat and no cattle. - said about somebody who brags a lot but can't back up the claims or who is just a poser with no substance. + 14 ...
PAUMiklo 3y ago watch yer own bobber - as a way to tell someone to mind their own business. 3 ...
Hot_Dog_Cobbler 2y ago N* North Carolina I'm originally from New Jersey so I have a few favorites from there: Any fake Italian (marone, gabbagool, scoochamende, mutza-dell) and the phrase your sister's ass And I live in the south now, so there are a few southern phrases I like: that dog won't hunt and he's got a wild hair up his ass and the all time great Well bless your heart! + 46 ...
icon0clasm 1y ago e Indiana Calling a forklift a high-low. So cute! I've only ever heard it in Michigan. + 28 ...
TakieJ 0 1y ago I just learned whipping shitties last week from some Minnesota friends. 11 ...
thellamaisdabomba 0 6y ago . My favorite from upstate NY is dethaw when you take food out of the freezer to thaw. Not thaw, not defrost, dethaw. + 55 ...
 7y ago . I grew up in Oklahoma and always knew a pole cat was a skunk. Flash forward many years and I'm playing a word game with some people from rural Kansas. We had to give clues without saying the actual word. My word was skunk so I say pole cat and everyone looks at me with a blank face. + 38 ...
littlelorax 7y ago e I recently said a horse apiece (to mean same difference/six of one, half dozen of another) to a coworker from out of state. Не thought I was crazy. I'm from WI. I didn't realize the phrase was regional. 64 ...
sarar3sistance 7y ago o Pizza pie. Grew up in New Jersey and that was just a common way to refer to/order a pizza. Moved to Wisconsin a few years ago and whenever it slips out, everyone is like Pie? What do you mean pie? It's just pizza! 52 ...
bananamanasaur 7y ago So in Ireland craic (pronounced crack) means news or gossip. I know someone who went to uni in England and first week there he got reported after asking any craic? 49 ...
CandidIndividual 7y ago Said my mate fell on her bahooky (her arse) while visiting England (from Scotland). My Southern neighbours had no idea what the fuck I was on about. 48 ...
4wit e 7y ago G Potato bugs. Elsewhere I think they call them pill bugs or roly poly bugs. + 51 ...
 7y ago 0 Double fisting in the DMV (Washington DC, Maryland, Virginia area) means holding two drinks at once. You can imagine others' surprise when I said double fisting at a function in Europe + 77 ...
hardly_ 7y ago Asking for Twice in a fish and chip shop. Any chippy in Yorkshire will immediately identify this request as two portions of fish and chips please. tried using twice in a chip shop in Nottingham (which is roughly 50-60 miles away) and they looked at me as if I was speaking another language. 224 ...
guythattravels 7y ago In the state of Washington we say prefunk when referring to drinking at the house before going out. The rest of the country seems to use pregame. + 246 ...
foxtrot419 7y ago e Outside of Seattle, I've gotten some looks for saying a drip, as in a plain brewed coffee, or saying it's spitting, meaning lightly raining. + 87 ...
LucytheUnicorn1 7y ago 0 We can call someone a dinlo to mean stupid or dumb... Didn't realise it wasn't a UK-wide thing until I called myself a dinlo to my boyfriend's uni friends on the other side of the country, they had no idea what I was even saying. 270 ...
JeromesNiece 7y ago I'm from Michigan. Asked for directions to a party store when I was in Florida. They responded, party store? Like... cakes and balloons? Apparently party stores are just a Michigan thing + 806 ...
linds0492 7y ago I have two! In central Illinois, we don't really have hills since it's mostly flat. In the hills we do have, the valley between is a holler. I've met several people that looked at me funny for this one. If something is worn out from lots of use over time, it's wallered out. Don't look this one up on urban dictionary. 385 ...
thehooliemaster 7y ago . My girlfriend is from Kentucky and didn't realize getting corn dogged is not universal. It's when you take a hard hit to your соссух. She was telling her gym trainer that the rowing machine 'corn dogged' her when she fell off the seat. After I stopped laughing I stepped in to explain. + 1.4K ...
KingSlanger 7y ago When I was growing up, after cooking us a meal, my grandma, checking if we were done, would always ask us if we were sufficiently suffonsified. Flash forward twenty years - I make a big breakfast for my wife, and when we're done, I ask her if she's sufficiently suffonsified. She looked at me like I just had a stroke, and I realized that this phrase from my childhood is absolutely not a thing. + 2.2K ...
javathecupp 7y ago . Not local but just my family. I made up a phrase as a kid that goes that's as crazy as a monkey at the stock market and thought my whole life it was a real phrase that people used: no one corrected me, no one questioned me. People just chuckled and laughed politely, and now I look like booboo the fool. + 955 ...
Gallahadion - 3y ago Ohio I've heard my grandmother use the expression too poor to buy a mosquito a sleeveless wrestling jacket. 2 ...


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