40 Fibs and Falsification That Have Been Passed Off As Fact

Facts of old that became the frauds of today
40 Fibs and Falsification That Have Been Passed Off As Fact

‘Round these parts, there’s nothing we hate more than a fraud masquerading as a fact. We’ve been duped by some big-time frauds in our day (and lost a ton of money along the way), but that was nothing compared to our lost faith in facts. We’re surrounded by thousands of facts here in the Cracked offices, but now we don’t know which ones we can trust. 

Here, take a look at these outed frauds while we hunt for more moles in the couch cushions.

Busted Myths!

MYTH Polar bears and penguins live at the North Pole. TRUTH Polar bears and peguins don't live anywhere near other. Polar bears live in the Arctic Cir

Busted Myths!

40 Fibs and Falsification That Have Been Passed Off As Fact
Source: BBC

Busted Myths!

MYTH: CRACKEDCO Serial killers are geniuses. REALITYS It's mostly just the ones they make shows about. The latest studies put the average intelligence

Busted Myths!

MYTH: CRACKEDGOM Mental illness and gun violence go hand in hand. REALITY: Incorrect. It's estimated that only 4% of all violent gun crimes involve me

Busted Myths!

MYTH: CRACKED IF you get arrested, you can just remain silent and the cops must stop questioning you. REALITY: You have the right to remain silent, bu

Busted Myths!

MYTH: Police can't enter your house without a warrant. RELALITY: If they suspect something is wrong, they can. Police are allowed to enter a house if

Busted Myths!

MYTH: BIG penises Give BIG ORGASmS. col 32 co 33 44 2 23 34 45 59 TalIlouio 60 24 46 FACT: IT'S ALL ABOUT THE G-SPOT. Some people like the feel of a b

Busted Myths!

MYTH: conception HAPPenS WHEN you HAve sex. FACT: IT COULD HAPPen A week LATER. Sperm survive longer than a week in the reproductive tract. If you hav

Busted Myths!

MYTH: sex BEFoRe MARRIAGE mAkes youcomPaTiBLe. FACT: COHABITATING COUPLeS ARe more LIKLEY TO DIVORCE. Today, it's generally agreed a couple should mov

Busted Myths!

MYTH: condoms ARe 98% effective. FACT: THEY'RE JUST 82 % eFfective OVeRALL. They're 98% effective at preventing pregnancy when used perfectly. That me

Busted Myths!

MYTH: younG SINGLES ARe COnSTANTLY GETTING LAID. FACT: HALF OF young SINGLES HAD no sexin THE PAST YeAr. Meanwhile, 50 percent of young maried couples

Busted Myths!

MYTH: LOSING YOUR VIRGINITY WILL HURT. FACT: IT PROBABLY won'T. The hymen isn't a barrier that gets painfully ripped open, and it has generally dissol

Busted Myths!

Myth: Connecticut is nicknamed the Constitution State because the Constitution was signed there. WRONG. Connecticut got its nickname from the state'

Busted Myths!

THE MYTH Transgender people make up a third gender. THE FACT Transgender people explicitly identify as male or female. They aren't part of a third gen

Busted Myths!

MYTH: FInGeRPRINTS ARE ALL sUper unique. FAGT8 THEY'RE ACTUALLY WORRYINGLY SIMILAR. Your fingerprints aren't all that unique - -relatives will have ma

Busted Myths!

MYTH: A family sued Disney when their kids saw characters out of costume. FAGT8 They'd been falsely accused of theft. The Boozer family was accused of

Busted Myths!

MYTH: TO KEEP YOUR MeAT MOIST, you need TO SEAR it. FAGT8 Searing DOESN'T LOCK in JUIceS Searing meat doesn't do a thing to keep juices inside. When

Busted Myths!

MYTH COOKING? WATCH out FOR THAT SHARP KNIFe! SV152 AEZMLAST FACT8 IT'S THE DULL knives THAT ARE DAnGEROUS. A sharp knife will stay focused on its job

Busted Myths!

MYTH: one DRINK peR HOUR And YOULL BE FINE TO DRIVE Home. 12 PO 2 8 .76 5 CUANTZ brilllis FACT8 A DRINK TAKES TWO HOURS TO WEAR OFF. A 12-ounce bottle

Busted Myths!

MYTH8 Hung OveR? HAVE A DRINK. FAGT8 THE HAIR OF THE DOG WOn'T unBite You. It's a common myth-the best way to recover from a regrettable night of drin

Busted Myths!

MYTH: An ALCOHOLICI IS A peRson WHO DRINKS TOO MUcH. FAGT8 An ALCOHOLIC MIGHT not DRINK AT ALL. It's never healthy to binge-drink, but a person who dr

Busted Myths!

Myth During the Salem witch trials, anyone convicted of being a witch was burned at the stake. Reality of the 20 accused of witchcraft in Salem, none

Busted Myths!

Myth 'Vomitorium' is a designated place for ancient Romans to vomit everything they'd feasted on to stay in shape or to make room to eat more. Reality


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