20 Supposedly Dead Celebrities Who Are the Most Probably Alive

When the bill collectors are breathing down your neck and your spouse starts getting real annoying, it can be tempting to start fantasizing about starting a new life, maybe in Denmark, with a nice little coffee shop and a nice little bicycle and a nice large blond man named Sven. It would probably be even more enticing if the entire world was constantly staring at you, judging you and touching you in public just because you made something cool once.
That’s not to say that every celebrity who died unexpectedly could be faking. We don’t wanna get too conspiratorial here, but some of them do seem pretty fishy, and it’s certainly understandable that they’d want to disappear. Some people even claim to have seen them well after their much-publicized memorials. They shared their stories when user Key-StructurePlus asked r/AskReddit, “What famous person do you think successfully faked their death?”