20 of the Most Unexplainable Events in History

‘The peopling of Australia’
20 of the Most Unexplainable Events in History

If you go back far enough in history, answers are few and far between, if only because so little of it was documented. Like, a fish just walked out of the ocean one day, you say? And the land that it walked onto eventually split and drifted entire oceans apart? And it eventually became a man who came up with the idea of a codpiece, and everybody was just okay with that? Sure. Whatever you say.

But there are some events throughout history that, even if we have much of the facts, still don’t make much sense. We’re not talking about the mysteries of time some wild-haired guy on the History Channel might rave about — the Roanoke colony didn’t mysteriously disappear, and there never was anything weird about the Bermuda triangle. No, when user throwaway-adnauseum asked r/AskReddit, “What is the most puzzling unexplained event in world history?” they got some real stumpers.

bigblackkittie 7mo ago why Trump thinks that hairstyle looks good
Aaargh_Bees 7mo ago James Corden's career.
Elvis-Tech 7mo ago The sailor who flew like 1 km after the Halifax explosion and survived
Rolmeista 7mo ago Why did the ancient Polynesians really stop voyaging for a thousand years and then start again?
Captain_Wisconsin 7mo ago The peopling of Australia. The deeper you dig, the more fascinating it becomes.
YoungDiscord 7mo ago That one time a whole town danced itself to death for no reason
 7mo ago The invasion of the Sea Peoples
htownlifer 7mo ago The ninth Roman Legion of 5000 men disappeared on its way to Scotland
CARNlesada6 7mo ago The Bronze Age collapse. A bunch of theories but no full-on consensus
yerkah 7mo ago We still don't really know how the Byzantines used Greek Fire. Each theory doesn't scientifically seem to hold up 100%.
Kay312010 7mo ago Flight MH370. I'm still watching the documentaries and listening to the podcasts.
Bulky-Rush-1392 7mo ago 1561 celestial phenomenon over Nuremberg (essentially a mass UFO sighting, check out the drawings)
RP0143 7mo ago What happened at the end of the Younger Dryas. Did it cause the collasp of pre event civilizations? If so, how advanced were those cultures?
nikkos350 7mo ago How did Tecumseh predict the New Madrid earthquake?
lasseals 7mo ago The 1967 murder of Marie Lock-Hansen. Not just an unsolved murder. But an UNEXPLAINED murder. Despite one of the largest police investigations in danish history, no notice was ever established.
in-a-microbus 7mo ago Who or what was the Pied Piper? The legend was apparently based on actual events commemorated in a stain glass image. But it's unclear if it was allegory or what.
 7mo ago Edgar Allen Poe's last days. Where did he disappear to? Was he kidnapped? Did he go on a bender? Why was he found in a delirious state? Drugs? Disease? Trauma?
themarksmannn 7mo ago The Miracle of the Sun Connected to the apparitions of the Virgin Mary at Fátima. The three children claimed that Mary told them to gather townspeople on October 13th to show them something so that all may believe. On that day, around 40,000 people gathered and saw the sun spin and fly through the sky.
go_zarian 7mo ago The 1808 mystery eruption. Scientists have discovered that there was a giant volcanic eruption somewhere in the South Pacific in 1808. It was at least comparable to Krakatoa. They based it on secondary data (weather observations in South America, ice core readings, pine tree rings, etc). Thing is, no one knows exactly which volcano went kaboom in 1808. Which is odd, because a volcanic eruption of that size should have been noticed by someone.
AOCMarryMe 7mo ago Really curious about a timeline for the whereabouts of a person that affected me personally, known as Cotton Eyed Joe. Where is his place of origin? How did he prevent my marriage, and what happened to him afterwards?


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