21 of the Most Puzzling Missing Person Cases in History

‘The Beaumont children’
21 of the Most Puzzling Missing Person Cases in History

Sort of by definition, all missing persons cases are mysterious. The whole point is that we don’t know something — i.e. where they are. Oftentimes, though, we may not know, but we know. Like, they have clearly been murdered by their spouse or fell into the ocean or got chosen for a secret comics-based government mission to save the world. All the evidence points that way, but there’s just not quite enough of it to give the case the official “CLOSED” stamp.

Some cases, though, are just weird. Five coworkers watch them enter the breakroom, say, through the one door that goes in and out of the room that nobody saw them come out of it, and they seem to have just vanished, leaving behind nothing more than a perfectly cooked steak with no grill in sight and a bag of dice even though they hated tabletop games. 

Those were the cases user yourlastnames was looking for when they asked r/AskReddit, “What missing persons case is the most confusing/doesn’t add up?”

TrailerParkPrepper 1y ago Shelly Miscavige, the wife of the leader of the Church of Scientology.
AdamR91 1y ago Edited 1y ago Branson Perry, aged 20, disappeared from Skidmore, Missouri in April 2001. Не was working on his house with a friend, went to the shed to grab some power cords and was never seen again.
Educational-Cut572 1y ago Brian Shaffer. There is surveillance video of him entering the bar, but no evidence of him leaving. And supposedly they have accounted for every other person who entered.
NohrianGremlin 1y ago The Sodder children. Such an interesting and sad case and to this day they still don't know what happened to the five kids. Authorities claimed they died in the house fire but there was zero evidence of that found.
snguyenx96 1y ago The Beaumont Children. 3 kids go to the beach, are seen with a mystery man, and never make it back home. Never found out who the man was or where they went. Their parents just recently died without ever getting any closure.
kimbles245 1y ago Chance Englebert. Aged 25 when he went missing on the 6th of July 2019. Не walked out of his in laws house in Moorcroft, wyoming after an argument with his wife. Leaving her and his 3 month old son in the house. Не was seen in the local town, Terrytown on cctv travelling west. Не has never been seen again. Extensive searches have been made by police aswell as friends and family and nothing has been found.
CuddlySubject 1y ago Marion Barter here in Australia Borded a plane overseas in 1997, changed her name beforehand (didn't tell family) Apparently came back to Australia for a few days (according to passenger records) and completely disappeared It's an ongoing investigation at the moment, there is a podcast about it called The Lady Vanishes featuring her daughter So tragically fascinating
Bigred0752 1y ago Paddy moriarty and his dog Kellie. Went missing in a outback town in australia with a population of 12 people. Last seen leaving the pub riding his quad bike the 1km distance to his house. Не or his dog have never been found and no one has been charged in relation to his disappearance.
EstateWeary5789 1y ago Asha Degree She went missing at the age of nine from Shelby, North Carolina, United States. In the early morning hours of February 14, 2000, for reasons unknown, she packed her bookbag, left her family home north of the city and began walking along nearby North Carolina Highway 18 despite heavy rain and wind. Several passing motorists saw her; when one turned around at a point 1.3 miles (2.1 km) from her home and began to approach her, she left the roadside and ran into a wooded area. In the morning, her parents discovered her missing from
ShreksGirl 1y ago Maura Murray She crashed her car in 2004 and completely disappeared after begging a bystander to not call the police claiming she called AAA (she never did). As they were in a dead zone, the guy left and when he got reception he called the police but when the police arrived at the scene she, her phone, credit and debit cards were missing but her car was locked. She hasn't been seen since and her phone and cards haven't been used since.
devbot8 1y ago Marshall Iwassa. Good guy. Came back to the hometown to visit his family and friends, everything by all accounts was good. Left to take the two hour drive to where he was living and never made it. Instead it was recorded he spent the entire night trying to get into his storage unit and then nothing. A week or maybe more.. his truck was found 12 hours away on a back road in the middle of the woods burnt to a crisp with belongings thrown about everywhere. no sign of Marshal and from what I remember the
GothicSammich 1y ago Amos Mortier. Не went missing from his home in Madison, Wisconsin November 2004 along with his dog, Gnosis. His friends and Mother became worried after not hearing from him for weeks. His friends broke into his house to find it cold, dark, halfway unpacked, his dogs food bowl full and a record player playing eerie music throughout the house. There was also a check from his Grandmother on a desk. His dog, Gnosis would later be found at a neighbor's house miles always. Не was unharmed, but skittish. This was cause for alarm since Amos took Gnosis
z4zazym 1y ago Xavier Dupont de Ligonnes. The whole family (parents and four kids) goes missing over night in 2011. Employers, school and family receive weird letters informing of their absence or departure (one of them saying they are going into a witness protection program). Two weeks later they found the corpses of the mother , the kids and the dog hidden behind the house. They investigate and retrace the father's whereabouts in south of France. Не was last seen leaving a hotel a few days before. The region was thoroughly searched but he was never to be found.
GreyHorse_BlueDragon 1y ago Stephanie Stewart. She was 70 years old and worked as a fire lookout in Alberta, Canada, and disappeared from her post on August 26, 2008, and they still don't really know what happened to her. In the early morning of August 26, 2006, a fellow fire lookout was sent to check on her after she failed to call in a routine report. Her cabin and tower were accessible by road, and the coworker immediately noticed that her truck was still in the drive. She was reported missing at about 9 am that morning. Upon entering the cabin,
Fit_Government5736 - 1y ago The Springfield Three, Suzanne Streeter, Stacy McCall, and Streeter's mother, Sherrill Levitt, went missing from Levitt's home in Springfield, Missouri. Suzanne and Stacy graduated high school in June 6, 1992 and were last seen leave a graduation party around 2 am on June 7, 1992. The girls had plans to meet their friends for activities the next morning and when they didn't show up, a couple friends went to the home looking for them. The home was intact with no signs of violence, except a broken porch light. The three women's belongings, including purses and cigarettes
comfortablynumb15 1y ago Harold Holt, 17th Prime Minister of Australia. (while still in office ) Was a fan of dismantling the racist White Australia policy, and did a lot of work towards that. Believed in political accountability, and was our first Prime Minister to have regular press conferences and TV interviews. His essential decency was perceived as weakness by his own party, but he won his election by a landslide of votes by the Australian people. Was an excellent swimmer and spear fisherman and was presumed drowned at one of his favourite beaches, his body was never found.
Vamp459 1y ago Edited 1y ago Mary Lou Bostwick. She disappeared July 18, 1972 from Waverly, NY. She was dropped off by her dad to babysit at a friend's house. This was also her 16th birthday. Her mom stopped by later with a cake and presents. The people in the apartment told her that Mary never showed up. However, her bag was in the residence. Nothing else was ever found. There was another girl around the same age, Sharon Coston who was abducted and murdered in a nearby town about a year later. October 1983 in Sayre, PA. There was
AlanMercer 1y ago Terrance Williams disappeared in 2004. He's the subject of a fascinating podcast called The Last Ride. The short version is that he was taken into custody in Naples, FL after being pulled over in the early hours for traffic violations. Не was never seen again. The deputy that pulled him over tried to conceal the traffic stop even from his own organization, but staff opening a local business saw the whole thing. When the sheriff's department finally looked into it, they discovered the deputy was involved in a similar disappearance of a man named Felipe Santos in
AlexisVonTrappe 1y ago Susan Powell, went missing from her home in. West valley, Utah on December 6, 2009 she is presumably dead. Her husband Josh was the main suspect and just a real piece of work. No one knows what really happened to her. Sadly in 2012 Josh murdered their kids and committed suicide after Susan's parents gained custody of the kids.
kittengoesrawr 1y ago Brandon Swanson Не drove into a ditch and called his parents for help. They stayed on the phone with him for 47 minutes while they drove around looking for him. They heard him say oh shit then the phone went silent. They eventually found his car far away from where he said he was but he was never found.
Hereforit2022Y 1y ago Edited 1y ago Derek Seehausen. My friend was dating him at the time of his disappearance, he was actively planning his future in medicine, and was last seen in San Diego. I saw him about 2 weeks before he disappeared. Please send any tips.


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