28 of the Worst Experiences People Had at the Movie Theater

‘I can’t help it! Popcorn goes right through me!’
28 of the Worst Experiences People Had at the Movie Theater

You should have to pass some sort of test before being trusted to sit in a movie theater with other people. While not talking during a movie is the bare minimum, it turns out that people are doing all sorts of things in there that most of us wouldn’t dream of. For instance, during a viewing of Cars, a mother did all she could to entertain her toddler — crawling around on the floor with him, walking up and down the aisles singing him to sleep, the whole works. 

We all understand that being a parent is hard work, but that hard work needs to be done outside of the movie theaterInside of the movie theater, everyone needs to shut up and respect the majesty of the talking vehicles. 

Other Redditors have remembered the most upsetting times people couldn’t just sit down and watch the movie, including a guy who will never forget the time he went to go see The Scorpion King.

TheBunionFunyun 1y ago Maybe not my worst, but it was memorable. We were at a screening of Army of Darkness at an Alamo Drafthouse. We had a kid behind us who was constantly quoting the movie and being very disruptive. Alamo Drafthouse has a strict no talking policy, so we put up the card with the note that the kid was talking. The employee went to ask him to stop, we heard some discussion with I'm assuming the boy's father, and then the employee came back with a note informing us that the boy was autistic and couldn't really help
 7y ago - Watched star trek in a packed theater and the dude next to me had eaten sardines before the movie. I could tell because his breath fucking stunk. I was stuck next to him for like 2 and a half hours. + 114 ...
ThatTimpDude 11y ago I was watching that movie about bike messengers that had JGL in it, and I was really into it until right before the climax, where someone in the audience went into labor and stopped the whole movie. + 9 Reply ...
AgentChris101 7y ago I have 2 Iron Man 3, This was in 2013 and i was in Greece at the time. Everyone other than me, my sister and my mother were reading the subtitles out loud. Logan there was a group of kids at a late night screening crying and screaming but they got kicked out during the opening scene so it wasn't as bad 326 ...
StarFox- 7y ago Went to watch Monsters University with my wife and friend. Part way through the movie this lady answers her cell phone, walks to the nearest emergency exit, and holds the door open in the middle of the day. The entire theater lit up. I wasn't about to let this slide. I ran down and pulled the door shut, locking her out. I received an applause from the crowd. She had to do the walk of shame as she came back into the theater to sit back down. + 552 ...
GlassCoyote . 7y ago . You know how theatres usually have the big round features on the wall? Yeah fell on the seat in front of me and fucked up my leg pretty bad + 680 ...
JustMightFloat 7y ago Girlfriend and I went to see wonder woman, and this other couple sitting a couple seats down were being loud as fuck and the gf was obviously giving the guy a handjob. My Girlfriend (who is pregnant) had to get up to pee and they didn't even bother attempting to scoot to let her through. My GF ended up telling them to shut up and the other girl looked at her like she was going to start something. I shut her down with my best crazy eyes Don't F--- with me stare. We were ready to throw
N3MO_ 7y ago Watching The Minions movie with my little sister. But wait, it gets worse! About 3/4 through the movie we hear a low grumbling from the seats behind us, followed by a most fowl smell and several young voices saying ugh grandmaaaaa. Then grandma, with the voice of Devito but not as cute, responds I can't haaalp it, popcorn goes right through me 365 ...
ggtheepenguin 7y ago The theatre was kinda dark as the movie is about to start, it was Spiderman 3. I tripped up the stairs and the popcorn that I have scattered all over the floor. I watched the movie and stared at the popcorn in awe on the floor. 320 ...
 7y ago I went to see Dunkirk and the woman in the seat in front of me kept taking pictures of the screen and uploading them to her Instagram story. She was also sharing the same photos in some group chat. After observing this three or four times, I finally spoke up and told her to put the phone away. This was a grown ass woman in her 20s. If you can't take a break from social media for two hours, you've got serious issues. + 1.5K ...
RiffRaffShep 7y ago I took a girl I was into to the cinema. We saw The Scorpion King. I paid. She said she wanted salted popcorn, so I got her some, and I got sweet, because I hate salted popcorn. Halfway through the film, she wanted sweet popcorn, so, being the gentleman I am, I swapped. After the film, I say I'll call a taxi. She says, Nah, it's ok, my boyfriend is picking me up. I stand there, stunned, as thanks me for the film, and gets into her boyfriends car, and they drive off. + 1.5K ...
fucking_kody 11y ago 0 When I went to see Hotel For Dogs the popcorn machine caught on fire in the middle of the movie and the sprinklers went off in the theater. The entire building had to be evacuated. 7 Reply ...
Simonthefish 11y ago Went to see the Secret Life of Walter Smitty. There was this preteen couple sitting in the front row seats to the side (we were sitting on the mid row, center seats). Everyone could see them from where they were sitting, and about 3/4 the way through the movie, there is a flash. Looking around to locate it, it goes off again. They were taking selfies. THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE FUCKING END OF THE MOVIE. + 13 Reply ...
Gummy-Worm-Guy 1y ago It was about to be Barbie when these kids snuck in and yelled things like They're gonna fuck! and They're gonna finger bang! during Barbie and Ken's first interaction. Thankfully, some guy stood up and yelled at them, scaring them out of the theater and shutting it down in less than a minute. + 68 Reply ...
lannisterdwarf E Зу ago Finding Dory. The woman next to me spent the entire moving translating it into Korean for her kid + 48 Reply ...
myhotneuron 7y ago . Experiencing the crawler someone crawling under the seats to steal from people's purses. -shudder- + 1.7K ...
Tom_Manley 11y ago I went to watch Devils due with my girlfriend and about halfway through the film the theatre started swarming with rats or mice, we thought it was something to do with the movie but when we realised that they were actually real we left and complained and all we got back was tickets to watch the film again which was terrible to say the least. + 25 Reply ...
STD-fense 1y ago . When I went to see Once Upon a Time in Hollywood there was one guy who kept cackling at every time someone said a racial slur and kept saying things like get those hippies during the scenes with the Manson family characters. + 149 Reply ...
 e 1y ago e On an Avengers: Infinity War screening where a couple of guys were screaming boobs everytime a female appear on screen. + 423 Reply ...
gtd12321 2y ago Cars. There was a woman with a baby. She sat him down and within seconds he was on the floor, crawling around the theatre, under seats. She followed, making a game of it with him. About a dozen times we had to stand up to allow either mother or baby to crawl past or underneath us. Later on she tried to get him to sleep by walking up and down the aisle singing to him. In the great scheme of things it's not so bad but it was annoying and at some point you'd leave, wouldn't you?
ViggieSmallss 1y ago I'm a huge Sam Raimi fan and had Opening Night IMAX tickets for Multiverse of Madness. The girl directly in front of me was high on acid or some other hallucinogen and was waving her hands around and attempting to grab things in front of her like she was wearing 3D glasses for almost the entirety of the movie. + 291 Reply ...
ChronoChrazeObliveon 2y ago I was dating a single mom and we took her kid out to see Moana. All the way through her kid would run out of her chair and run around the cinema because she wanted chased/attention. When the mom made her stay in her seat she would scream down the place. The screening was full with other parents and kids so it was pretty embarrassing. Eventually we just left as to not ruin everyone's experience further. Didn't even see how the film ended. 9 Reply ...
 7y ago The most outrageous experience was when the guy sitting next to me (in the dark) put his hand down into my hot-buttered popcorn and started helping himself. + 1K ...
Emily_Starke 7y ago The couple immediately in front of us were getting pretty hot and heavy with a make out session, then the girl moved into the guys lap. At first I thought this was just cuddling, then it became quite clear they were having sex in a crowded cinema, and her head bobbing up and down was ruining my view of the film + 2.7K ...
 2y ago The Woman King. This lady next to me kept gasping and screaming whenever so much as a slap happened. Like... it's not a horror movie mam. This is not supposed to startle you. And she kept whispering nonsense to her husband too. + 91 Reply ...
thechickenfiend 2y ago jlopez23 A Quiet Place of all movies was one of the worst theater experiences I've had. First some middle schoolers kept talking, then this baby started crying and when somebody finally asked the mom if she could take her baby outside she freaked out and cussed them out. Staff had to come in and ask her to leave it was a shitshow. + 69 Reply ...
ChickenCanAmos 7y ago Getting kicked to the head during the movie. Some ass was going to the toilet during the movie and couldn't just walk via the side stairs like a normal person. Не had the great idea to climb over the seats and when he was climbing up after the toilet trip his foot apparently slipped straight to the top of my head. I must have let out the loudest curse heard in that theater that day. + 1.9K ...
lilmorphinannie 7y ago Went to see Interstellar with my ex. There was a coupke about 5 or 6 seats down with their SEVEN YEAR OLD CHILD. My first thought was, OK, benefit of the doubt. Maybe this kid is advanced and really wants to see this. That was quickly disproved as this child talked at FULL volume about what was going on, asking mom and dad questions about the plot, etc. Worst part, parents were answering! AT TOP VOLUME. I was so pissed. We ended up moving down closer to the front just to get away from them. I can


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