43 Bits of ‘Simpsons’ Trivia to Haphazardously Throw Into A Glass and Set Ablaze

‘Simpsons’ facts to make you SMRT!
43 Bits of ‘Simpsons’ Trivia to Haphazardously Throw Into A Glass and Set Ablaze

This 'Simpsons' episode opens on Homer sitting down to a massive plate of facts. He pops open the syrup, motions to dump it on his plate, but only a single drop oozes out. As Marge walks in, he whines that they're out of syrup, and Marge responds, “Oh Homie, these facts are sweet enough as is.” She walks away, and after he mumbles, “Stupid dry facts,” he takes a bite and realizes just how right she was! A ton of these have to do with him, and he likes that. The ones about stupid sexy Flanders though… Not so much. Roll credits. Sorry… Roll facts!

Behind-the-scenes Simpsons Facts!

ETT Alan Moore & Thomas Pynchon Alan Moore, famed despiser of all adaptations of his work, played himself on The Simpsons. So did Thomas Pynchon. ? HOMAS ICHON IOUSE CRACKED.COM
43 Bits of ‘Simpsons’ Trivia to Haphazardously Throw Into A Glass and Set Ablaze
Cheryl S.

Behind-the-scenes Simpsons Facts!

43 Bits of ‘Simpsons’ Trivia to Haphazardously Throw Into A Glass and Set Ablaze
Gwen Stefani's brother Eric left NO Doubt to become an animator for The Simpsons. The pair actually wrote Don't speak together. CRACKED.COM
The Arabic version of The Simpsons was almost a completely different show. VvU Ma Drnt CACT PId 277 The beer-swilling, bacon-loving lout that is Homer
THE SIMPSONS DIDN'T PREDICT COVID-19. VIRUS aan CORONA The Simpsons scares me. This episode aired 27 years ago in 1993 #CoronaVirus While The Simpsons
6 2 66 THe SIMPSONS In the episode Bart Star - CRACKED.COM the numbers on the religious Rod and Todd's football jerseys are '66' and '6.'

So Maude Flanders wasn’t killed off for story purposes?!

CRACKED Pettiness killed Maude Flanders! Maggie Roswell voiced Maude from 1990-1999, but only made $1,500 to $2,000 per episode - which didn't even cover her travel. She asked for $6,000 and was killed off (by a t-shirt cannon, no less.) THE SIMPSONS

LA Times / Youtube 

Ned Flanders - The Simpsons

Oh, that's where the term Flanderization comes from. THE SIMPSONS HOLY BIBLE CRACKED COM Not overly religious, and even a bit spicy in The Simpsons pilot, Flanders quickly became religion-obsessed. Writers said that he was deliberately changed to satirize the growing influence of Christianity in politics at the time.


Lisa Simpson ('The Simpsons')

Fictional Presidents PRESIDENT The Simpsons Lisa Simpson The episode Bart to the Future didn't just predict that Donald Trump would be president, but Lisa's outfit resembles what Kamala Harris wore to her VP inauguration. CRACKED.COM

Source: CNN

Lisa Simpson made young girls crazy for CRACKED.COM saxophones. ENRIELO ILEVATARY When The Simpsons started airing, lots of pre-teen girls started pla

Marge Simpson's Hair

Pop Culture Looks You Couldn't Pull Off The Simpsons Marge Simpson's extra-tall beehive hair The beehive was never as tall as Marge's even in its heyday, and that was 70 years ago. It's rare for anyone to pull off this look today, not just because of the style but because of all the low-clearance bridges in CRACKED.COM
Marge Simpson has huge hair because she was originally going to be secretly rabbit. a Matt Groening had planned to reveal that Marge was hiding rabbit
The Simpsons: Season 10, episode 23, Thirty Minutes Over Tokyo Marge: Come on, Homer. Japan will be fun. You liked Rashomon. Homer: That's not ho


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