12 Animals and the Human Crimes They Look Guilty Of

This is not the face of a law-abiding citizen of the world
12 Animals and the Human Crimes They Look Guilty Of

Lock them up! Not in a zoo, but in regular jail!

Drunk and Disorderly

12 Animals and the Human Crimes They Look Guilty Of


Look at this guy. You walk past him when hes got some liquor in him, you know hes got some shit to say. Probably still has a black eye from last night he doesnt remember how he got.

Indecent Exposure

12 Animals and the Human Crimes They Look Guilty Of


Theres a picture of him on Nextdoor on a post saying “STAY AWAY.”

Urinating in Public

12 Animals and the Human Crimes They Look Guilty Of


To be fair, I guess he is allowed. Still gross, though.

Criminal Invasion of Privacy

12 Animals and the Human Crimes They Look Guilty Of


That eye is practically custom-built to press up to a public bathroom peephole.

Drug Trafficking

12 Animals and the Human Crimes They Look Guilty Of


Despite the expression, he doesnt use. He just takes private jets from the jungle to American airstrips with planefuls of contraband.

Identity Theft

12 Animals and the Human Crimes They Look Guilty Of


He looks harmless enough, until you run his license and realize it belongs to a dead woman. By then, hes already hauling ass.

Elder Abuse

12 Animals and the Human Crimes They Look Guilty Of


Eleven years of Social Security and disability checks, straight up his nose. All the while, his grandmas eating cat food.


12 Animals and the Human Crimes They Look Guilty Of


Who wouldnt accept a 20 from this face? Therein lies the problem.

Campaign Finance Violations/Wire Fraud

12 Animals and the Human Crimes They Look Guilty Of


Cant you just hear him saying, “Do you want to know if its legal, or do you want to know if it works?” Refuses to text, only calls.


12 Animals and the Human Crimes They Look Guilty Of


His den is filled in equal parts with banana peels and blackmail material.


12 Animals and the Human Crimes They Look Guilty Of


The supply of cud throughout the entire Midwest was controlled by this cow and his cronies.

Serial Murder/Desecration of a Body

12 Animals and the Human Crimes They Look Guilty Of


Fourteen confirmed, three bodies still missing. They found him inside his last victim.


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