38 Corporations and Businessmen Who Deserve to Go on a PIP in Hell

Capitalism at all costs
38 Corporations and Businessmen Who Deserve to Go on a PIP in Hell

When will it be enough for these people? 

Since numbers are infinite, it doesnt seem like itll ever truly be enough, and we blame these elusive “shareholders.” They put all this pressure on CEOs to make more and more money for their companies each year, and if they dont, theyre out on their precious rich behinds. That pressure can make a person do some pretty shady things. 

Here’s a whole bunch of corporate shadiness that were glad we werent on the business end of...

Beanie Babies

38 Corporations and Businessmen Who Deserve to Go on a PIP in Hell
Source: CNN

"Manure to riches" scheme fails.

CRACKED A TRULY BULLSHIT PONZI SCHEME A 66-year-old Californian was given a jail sentence of more than six years for running a Ponzi scheme worth $8.7 million. Не had pretended to turn COW manure into green energy.


HE WAS A CON MAN FROM THE START Oer Whoknl Ov. Sreond Vader Pi Lore thde Betieye it or IL ice fus La Enforc Dir He got his start by founding a helicop
CRACKEDcO COM Australian billionaire Clive Palmer wants only the simplest things in life. Such as building a $472 million functioning replica of the T

You don’t make a billion dollars by paying for everyone’s phone bill.

A billionaire made guests at his mansion pay to use the phone. CRACKED.COM Billionaire oil tycoon J. Paul Getty has a pay phone installed at his mansion for guests to use so that he would not be billed for their calls.

Vanity Fair 

Their Animal Testing Was Exceptionally Horrific

Their Animal Testing Was Exceptionally Horrific It's a sad fact of modern capitalism that many corporations have a history of - or even continue to perform --animal test- ing, but Coca-Cola's was like something about of a dystopian novel. One study in- volved cutting open the faces of chim- panzees to study nerve impulses used in the perception of sweet tastes. Having apparently realized there are other ways to test that (or it's just not worth it to go Face/Off on some monkeys just to find out people like sweet things), the compa- ny pledged to cease unnecessary animal testing in 2007.


Sinaltrainal v. Coca-Cola

Sinaltrainal v. Coca-Cola ORIGINAL TASTE ОРИГІНАЛЬНИЙ CMAK Coca-Cola 250 It's generally a bad look to have a section on your Wikipedia page labeled Colombian death-squad allegations, which refers in Coke's case to a 1996 incident at a Colombian bottling plant where an armed militia killed a union lead- er, destroyed the union hall, and forced employ- ees to quit at gunpoint so they could be replaced with much cheaper workers. The workers sued the company for indirect responsibility, but Co- ca-Cola was never found to be connected to the militia, although it worked out pretty well for them and they


Chisso Corporation

A Japanese chemical company polluted a bay so much, they mined the mercury from it. CRACKED COM The bay polluted by Chisso Corporation had sediment containing up to 2 kg of mercury per ton. This con- centration made mining economically viable, so the company set up a subsidi- ary to do just that.


Barrick Gold Corporation

In 2009, the Barrick Gold Corporation helped police burn down hundreds of houses in Papua New Guinea to clear the way for gold mining operations. The


It's pretty gunked up down there.

A DISNEY CONTRACTOR WAS CAUGHT PAYING WORKERS $1.20HOUR. DISNEY HAD TO PAY $$903K IN BACK WAGES. The company made plastic wands and tiaras for Disney

HyperSocial CEO

People are ripping into the CEO that posted a crying selfie on LinkedIn. CRACKED.COM Braden Wallake, the CEO of a company specializing in opti- mizing LinkedIn posts, post- ed the blubbering photo on a post discussing layoffs in his company. Here's how to op- timize this particular post: Delete it.

Tech CEO: Racist and Proud.

CRACKED SEEING ASIAN PEOPLE IN PUBLIC In July 2020, a tech CEO from San Francisco was caught on camera flipping off an Asian American family and yelling racist insults while they were having a birthday dinner at a restaurant.


Atari CEO Ray Kassar

In 1979, programmers working for Atari met with the CEO and demanded the company treat them more like musicians, with access to royalties & credit on packaging. Natural - as - - OIG DOG zero NTED HOUSE The CEO refused, stating that anyone can do a cartridge. The programmers left and started Activision. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM


The average CEO has made more money by lunchtime on January 2 than the average worker will make all year.

The CEO invests in the military.

Daniel Ek invests in Al military tech. SUITS SU CRACKED.COM In late 2021 Spotify CEO drew ire after it was reported that he invested 100 million euros in the German company Helsing, which makes Al-driven defense and security software.

NME / Variety 



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