37 Myths and Misconceptions to Humble That Smug Brain of Yours

Better read these before you embarrass yourself
37 Myths and Misconceptions to Humble That Smug Brain of Yours

The quest for knowledge is such an uphill battle. Like, its impossible to know everything there is to know, but now we even have myths to tangle with? Youre telling us that some stuff weve learned along the way isnt even true? Ugh! Its just one step forward and two steps back in the knowledge game,. 

Well, its better to go back and get it right before moving on to the next bits of trivia, which could wind up breaking your heart too. Man, its ruthless out there for a well-intentioned knowledge seeker.

No, spartans didn't throw their sick newborn babies off a freaking cliff. This myth was easily debunked when they did an archaeological dig at the inf
MYTH: CRACKED Manson and his posse were serial killers. REALITY: None of them were. Serial murder is defined as the killing of three or more people by
MYTH: THE CLITORIS IS A TINY NUB. FACT: IT'S HUGE And MOSTLYInTERNAL. The clitoris measures around 10 centimeters long. Inside the body, it forks into
MYTH: COLLEGE IS WHERE women experiment. FACT: NOn-COLLeGe women experiment more. The CDC did a study on 10,000 women. They found that those with bach
Myth: Connecticut is nicknamed the Constitution State because the Constitution was signed there. WRONG. Connecticut got its nickname from the state'
MYTH: ORGANIC FOOD IS ALWAYS BETTER. Organic food has not been found to be significantly healthier than non-organic and eating the recommended serving
MYTH: HEALTHY ABS LOOK LIKE DInnER ROLLS. FAGT8 WASHBOARD ABS CAn Be BAD FOR YoU. As awesome as a stomach you can open beer bottles with may seem, six
MYTH: When the police ask you a question, you'd better answer. FAGT8 You always have the right not to answer. The right to remain silent doesn't just
MYTH: Worried about criminal activity? It's got to be all those immigrants. FAGT8 Immigrants are less likely to commit crimes. First-generation immigr
MYTH: VITAmIN B WILL CURE A HANGOVER. FAGT8 VITAmInS DON'T WORK on ALCOHOL. Whether you try injections the night before or popping pills the morning a
Myth During the Salem witch trials, anyone convicted of being a witch was burned at the stake. Reality of the 20 accused of witchcraft in Salem, none


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