35 Top-Secret Tidbits That Aren’t Classified But Probably Should Be

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35 Top-Secret Tidbits That Aren’t Classified But Probably Should Be

This secretive list should begin with instructions to burn after reading, but we realize that you most likely havent printed it on paper. 

Smashing whichever device you happen to be using is a pretty big ask, so we dont know exactly how to proceed here. Maybe switch your browser to incognito mode, and hope that no one is out there digging deeper into your top-secret info consumption. Your call. 

If we havent scared you off by now, here are some little factoids that someone, somewhere doesnt want you to know!

Hidden Van Gogh Self-Portrait

A self-portrait by Van Gogh was discovered behind one of his other paintings. CRACKED.COM Art conservators dis- covered the concealed image behind Head of a Peasant Woman, hidden by layers of glue and cardboard for more than a century.


Giotto’s Hidden Devil

CRACKED Giotto's 13th century frescoes in the Basilica of St. Francis in Assisi had a hidden secret for centuries - nobody could get up high enough to spot a side-on portrait of Satan hidden in the clouds.


SS Treasure

CRACKED THE SS DEATH'S HEAD RING TREASURE There's a huge stash of money hidden in a cave near Wewelsburg Castle in Germany that was put there by the SS at the end of WWII. It's worth tens of millions of dollars.

The Fourth of July

Americans celebrate Independence Day on July 4. But the vote was actually on July 2. The Continental Congress voted to declare American independence o


Want to have a traditional Christmas? Try some naked, drunken gambling. Early church leaders chose Dec. 25 to distract Christians from the pagan festi
Standing in line on Black Friday is a bargain-hunter tradition. But you'd do just as well tO stay home. News outlets made Black Friday into a big deal

The Secret Service

The nuclear football weighs 45 pounds, and five people take turns carrying it. UNITED STAT APIL Within it: A Black Book with retaliatory options, a book with classified locations, a few pages with Emergency Broadcast System instructions, and a 3 x 5 in. card with authentication codes. CRACKED.COM


Jackie Chan

CRACKED.COM Jackie Chan His Hong Kong home has secret rooms. When your movies have grossed around US$5 billion worldwide, you can afford some luxuries, like maze- like secret rooms within secret rooms. This was a childhood dream inspired by the Batcave.

Gum: Chewier than an inner tube!

CRACKED SECRET RUBBER Most gum brands list gum base as an ingredient, which is a proprietary secret. It's made of polyisobutylene, or butyl rubber, like inner tubes. That's why gum is chewy.


There’s a secret Shrek movie

shrek There's a secret fifth movie. The movie, which was only available at certain theme parks, tells the epic story of some random stuff that happened just after the first Shrek.

Source: IMDb

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze

DARK DELETED SCENES TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES II THE SECRET? SPACE! The ninja turtles' powers are alien in nature. That was the secret of the ooze. CRACKED.COM

Source: IMDb

The Secret Service

The Secret Service can tell the brand and where in the country ink is from. The Secret Service works with ink manufacturers and use ink tags to identify threatening handwritten letters. CRACKED.COM


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