29 Mind-Blowing Examples of Idiocy People Have Witnessed

‘There aren’t boy dolphins and girl dolphins. They’re just dolphins’
29 Mind-Blowing Examples of Idiocy People Have Witnessed

Every now and then, you meet someone so incredibly stupid that you wonder how they’re still alive. Case in point: While working as a banker, one Redditor met a 60-year-old woman who said, “What do you mean my account balance is negative? I still have checks, so I still have money!” I would like a tour of her brain

Other Redditors have remembered the times they encountered idiocy that was downright stupefying, including an ACT score that sounds impossible to achieve. Or in this context, is it unachieve?

SnipeyMcSnipe 11y ago . Edited 11y ago A co-worker of my dad's, whom I've met a few times. She was a middle aged woman and she believed that there were huge black lines on the ground separating each of the states in the US. You know how they show the state borders on political maps? Yeah, she thought those were really there. 257 ...
mrshosey 11y ago My sister's baby-daddy. Holy shit he is dumb. After watching Avatar, he asked if it was based on a true story. Um, he thought artichoke was a type of fish. I told him once Don't play dumb with me, you'll win every time, he said uh, what? 206 ...
tfielder 11y ago e Girl in my astronomy class: So if I went out into space could I like push the stars around and knock them into eachother and stuff? Teacher: No, they are incredible massive objects Girl: But they look so little! 292 ...
immorganyourenot . 11y ago - I know a girl who wrote a paper about how polar bears only live in Poland. 1.2K ...
masterwes0 11y ago . A girl from high school physics, If the speed of light is 3*108 m/s, what is the speed of dark? and later that year, If China is 12 hours ahead of us, why didn't they warn us about 9/11? I can't make this stuff up + 3.7K ...
lax_bro16 11y ago - I have posted this before, but in freshman biology class we were reviewing the subatomic particles, and the teacher asked a girl to list them. She responds with Protons, Electrons, and Decepticons and could not figure out why the class was laughing at her. + 1.4K ...
FloydPink24 . 11y ago 0 I saw a guy try to plug a 3.5mm headphone jack into a USB port once. Not accidentally or anything - he actually spent a good minute working it out. 1.2K ...
Mouthpooper . 11y ago A girl in class said wait... I thought pork chops came from chickens? My friend had it made into a T-shirt. 383 ...
Up_from_below 11y ago A girl in my class believed that Neanderthals ate ice and cheese. Bonus: she didn't know eggs came from chickens. She thought they were manufactured in a factory. 1.1K ...
didujustcthat 11y ago e A girl in my school was using a calculator on a test and typed in the math problem in wrong she then proceeded to type syntax error as an answer. + 491 ...
Snort_Cigs 11y ago I know a guy who got a composite score of 4 on his ACT. I know, it sounds impossible. I thought it was too, but I was at his house when his mom got the mail with his score on there, and I saw the piece of paper myself. 168 ...
1gracie1 e 11y ago I had to explain to a girl that penguins were not fish. I had to explain to another girl who I told this story to why the first girl was not correct. 987 ...
Shireling 11y ago . Back in high school a guy named Kevin was arguing with me, and anyone who would listen, saying that STD's are prevented by having sex. After about a minute of explaining to him what STD meant I decided to just say let's agree to disagree. But he didn't let it go. Не pulled out a $50 bill from his wallet and bet me that he was right. After he looked it up the crowd mentality forced him to pay up.
joao2706 4y ago e My former boss was worried that the island of Manhattan would sink with all the extra visitors for New Years and the ball dropping. She thought islands float and when she found out that wasn't true she thought it was so funny that she told everyone the story.
Platypus-Olive-27 4y ago I remember when I was little my brother continued to have many strange misconceptions, but I can't remember any except the one where he said Martin Luther King Jr. was one president of the U.S. Otherwise, how could he have stood on a podium? + 487 ...
OttieandEddie 4y ago Ex-girlfriend. I once said out loud I wonder how dolphins have sex? She said, with conviction There aren't boy dolphins and girl dolphins. They're just dolphins. You know, like magical. And she argues with me for about 2 hours. + 938 ...
 4y ago My ex-gf thought rhinoceroses were dinosaurs. Then, we were watching King Kong and toward the end of the movie she asked if it was based on a true story. + 655 ...
raspberryhefe 4y ago . Worked at a bank for a (blessedly) short time. Had a 60 year old woman that asked, What do you mean my account balance is negative?? I still have checks, so I still have money! + 258 ...
DarkManX437 4y ago A customer who thought he should be able to get the Jordan Bred 11s for 90% off because of 2 coupons he had. One of these coupons was a print out of a 70% off clearance promotion from Nike's website and the other was a 20% off coupon from Payless that expired in 2017. I've never been more confused, frustrated, and exasperated than I was during the 10 minute interaction where myself, two managers and a customer tried to explain to this man why this wasn't going to happen. + 598 ...
Ok_Contribution_3026 10mo ago Toss up between: A co-worker being told by a customer you'll never get a job with those tattoos while he was working, at his job. Or A woman at a hot rod/custom car show filling up her kid's tot rod with a jerry can while smoking. + 1.2K ...
benzguy95 10mo ago A lady came into the auto parts store I worked at stating her oil light was on. The car had 40k miles on it and she bought it with 10k on it. Never once changed the oil because she was under the impression her bank that she financed it from was to tell her when the oil needed to be changed + 874 ...
sysiphean 10mo ago . Thirty years ago a friend's mom said she couldn't eat peanut butter because she's lactose intolerant and it has butter in it, and I'm haunted by that to this day. + 795 ...
Mr_Nonesuch . 4y ago I know a woman who bragged on Facebook that she scored 84 on her IQ test.... She thought it was out of 100. + 1.6K ...
llosesoothersmaywin 10mo ago D I had someone once ask me how the map at the mall Knows where we are? ...It doesn't know where we are... but it knows where the sign is. + 413 ...
OstneyPiz 10mo ago When I was a kid 12-13ish Me and my friends used to play down by a river. One day while down there a friend dropped something in the water and his logic, while wearing long sleeves was that if he moved fast enough he could grab it out of the water without getting wet. This would save him the hassle of pulling his sleeve up. So, he went for it, and had a soaking wet sleeve, however I, and the laws of physics expected this outcome anyway. But the surprised look on his face when his sleeve
 10mo ago The person who argued with me that the state we live in couldn't have an earthquake because it's wasn't earthquake season yet. + 1.4K ...
 10mo ago You know when parents ask their kids if X jumped off a bridge, would you? when that kid copies some idiot behaviour from their friends? I grew up in a touristy coastal region, the answer is yes. Every year idiot teenagers on holiday did it. At least the idiot locals knew which cliffs and what high tide is + 1.3K ...
- - - - birdlawspecialist2 10mo ago The people who copy and paste a disclaimer on Facebook thinking it's some type of binding contract. + 3.5K ...
ThatCasualRedditor 11y ago e A friend of mine back in sixth grade. Learned only natural born citizens can become president of the United States. Says she can't become president as she was a C-section baby. 135 ...


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