25 Unwritten Rules That Would Wreak Havoc If Abandoned

What if we just left work whenever we wanted?
25 Unwritten Rules That Would Wreak Havoc If Abandoned

There are some rules we all silently agree to follow out of fear that straying from the norm would unleash unspeakable chaos into the world. Like, imagine if someone decided to crawl everywhere instead of walking. As far as I’m aware, it isn’t illegal to crawl, but we all opt for being upright because aside from the inconvenience of being so close to the ground, it would be weird as hell to do anything else. 

In that vein, Redditors have listed more rules that would wreak havoc if abandoned, and now I can’t stop imagining everyone facing different directions on an elevator.

JackarooDeva 6y ago If everyone started answering honestly when asked how they are doing. + 12K ...
MCKALISTAIR 6y ago If everyone stopped saying that's great thanks when asked by the barber if you're happy with the haircut + 751 ...
 6y ago Don't turn off the lights when someone is still in the room. + 5K ...
kucky94 6y ago I really think if servers and retail workers could speak freely it would change the world as we know it. The reason you can't be honest (and I don't mean rude, I mean just fair and honest) with batty/demanding/entitled/unreasonable/abusive/rud e/etc customers is because they will take their business elsewhere. If elsewhere is just as intolerant to their bullshit well then the bullshit will be what let's up. + 4.2K ...
truenoise 6y ago . I feel like if we really embraced the Golden Rule (do unto others as you would have them do unto you) a lot of things would grind to a stand still. I know that small talk is superficial and impersonal. But what if we all decided to be honest? + 118 ...
ApocryphaNow e 9y ago I would run all the time in public to get to shit quicker, like a god damn video game character. Like shit we have limited time on this earth gotta speed shit up. + 4.2K ...
whatisthisidontevenf . 9y ago Walking away from a group conversation when the topic doesn't interest me instead of feigning interest. + 3.1K ...
 9y ago . Leaving work when my day's work is done instead of arbitrarily waiting for the clock to hit 6. 768 ...
tradingten . 9y ago e Correcting unruly kids when their parents choose to ignore them. + 4.3K ...
 6y ago Crawling everywhere instead of walking. 8 ...
 6y ago Even though restaurants give you your food first, and even though the wait staff is so busy they probably won't notice, you shouldn't dine and dash. It amazes me how much faith restaurants have in their customers, and how rarely that faith is violated. + 8 ...
 3y ago Don't break rules of traffic in an attempt to be courteous to other drivers. It often just makes situations more confusing and stressful than necessary. Just obeying the regular rules is far more appreciated. + 4.9K ...
ChaosBringer7 . 3y ago Let people get off the bus/train before entering + 4.8K ...
CoconutLima 6y ago . Edited 6y ago Ceasing to ever utter the words thank you + 3 ...
rxsheepxr 7y ago If you live in a city and are out walking, and you need to stop and look at your phone, be aware that people behind you WILL fucking plow into you. I mean, so many of these rules could be fixed with a simple pay goddamn attention, you idiot. 2.1K ...
guest137848 7y ago if i'm pulling out of a parking space and you plan on parking in that space give me enough room to actually reverse out of that space without hitting your car. + 13K ...
 7y ago . Tell someone when you put them on speakerphone and who is around. I have a friend who I had to explain this rule to twice cause he thought asking me a question about someone who was with him was funny- now every single time he calls I ask if he has me on speaker and still watch what I say. + 4.9K ...
Spicy_ChaiLatte327 3y ago Have your wallet or card ready when you're in a drive through or in line to pay, that way the employee and the people behind you don't have to wait while you dig through your bag or wallet. This also confirms if you forgot your card or not. 81 ...
steenj . 3y ago Don't speed up when someone is passing you. + 1.9K ...
PM_ME_YOUR_ASS_GALS . 7y ago . The zipper rule when merging + 5.8K ...
Tsalikon E 7y ago . Edited 7y ago You do not slow down while on an on-ramp. You accelerate to the speed of the traffic you're merging with.
mai_life в 6y ago Thank you all for coming to dinner this evening! So, shall we talk about your finances, Karen? I know they're pretty awful. Or about your obviously ridiculous political views? How's the ol' religion treating you? + 2K ...
mortemdeus 7y ago . Edited 7y ago . If there are 2-3 car lengths in front of a semi, bus, or other large vehicle on the highway there is NOT enough space for you to cut in. That is their minimum safe stopping distance and you wedging yourself in there can get you and possibly others KILLED.
ArtlessGecko . 6y ago e Do not caress the knees of a stranger. + 1.4K ...
Handbag_Lady . 6y ago All face forwards in an elevator. Can you imagine if everyone just got in and faced whatever direction? + 605 ...


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