32 Times People Felt Genuine Fear

‘Couldn’t find my son swimming in a lake’
32 Times People Felt Genuine Fear

When you try to imagine a terrifying scenario, waking up in the middle of the night to a stranger standing in your room has to be at the top of the list. It’d definitely be hard to get proper rest for a long while after that. 

To that end, Redditors have recalled the nightmarish events that made them feel genuine fear, including being on a roller coaster when it shut down, flying an airliner in zero visibility and getting caught in a tornado while outside.

Chicagospawn6 5y ago When I was woken up by my dogs going nuts and found out my house was on fire. By the time I had woken up the stairs were engulfed in flames. I truly lost all sense of what to do. Thought it was all over. Eventually got to a window and ended up throwing my dogs out the window ( all were okay) and jumping out the window. I never would wish that feeling on anybody + 1.5K ...
121guy 5y ago I was flying an airliner. We were maybe 1,000 above the ground while on approach to land at a smaller airport. There were thunderstorms in the area and we ended up in a microburst with zero visibility. We got a wind shear warning in the cockpit and started to go around. At full throttle and the nose up we were still sinking at around 400ft/min. Everything seemed to be running in slow motion both me and the other pilot were running through our required actions and call outs due to the training. In the back of my
SailingmanWork 5y ago The morning of my mom's wedding. Everyone relaxing. Eating breakfast. Clothes everywhere. Cousins running around. All of the adults are on their porch chilling. I hear my daughter SCREAMING. I run in the dining room. There were clothes draped over the back of a dining room chair. The clothes had a metal coat hanger on them. She had gotten the hook of the metal hanger under her eyelid. I grabbed the back of her head and slowly pulled the hook out. Put a little ice on her eye for a bit. Luckily, it hadn't hit her eyeball
 5y ago I was on a 360 degree roller coaster and you go around and around but it got stuck at the very top and the ride shut down for 5 minutes so I was upside-down and I was verylittle and it was terrifying. + 12K ...
kaidenka 1y ago 7.2 Earthquake in Japan made the apartment I was in wobble like Jello. Tried to stand up in my chair and walk away from the window, ended up crawling away and having a small bookcase spill my books on me. Spent a few seconds leaning against the inside wall/sliding closet, looking at the ceiling and having a very vivid picture of being crushed to death by collapsing concrete and debris. Slept outside for two nights after evecuating. Apartment did not even have a crack in it! 10/10 would recommend Japanese government housing. + 5.4K Share ...
Kay_Elle 5y ago When I was still a beginning driver, I basically misjudged a turn at a highway exit when it was raining. My car swiveled and turned around. Somehow I managed to get it to stop, but I ended up bumping the side railing with the back of my car, and the car turning more than 180 degrees on the road before coming to a halt. This is a very busy exit, and if someone had been right behind me I'd have been dead. Somehow I managed to gather my wits, restart the car, turn it around, and drive
 1y ago When I got caught in a riptide while stupidly swimming alone in the ocean. + Share 7.9K ...
the_soup_whisperer . 5y ago . Edited 5y ago Once my mother called me on the phone telling me that a copy of our house keys was stolen that afternoon from the lobby and someone might be in the house. This happened in the exact moment I was entering the house. Pretty scary but no one was there thank god
 E 5y ago e I was 6 years old and went to take a leak. I was at my grandma's house in a small village in India. The bathroom was an outhouse. Just as I was about to start, I noticed a cobra hissing at me. I ran like hell. + 12K ...
DawsonJBailey 9y ago Drunk guy on the side of the street said he was gonna kill me and chased me until he tripped. I was 12 369 ...
Left_Apparently 1y ago I was rafting. Our supplies and cooler were tied down. The cooler got dislodged on a rock when we capsized and my left leg got tangled up in it the rope. I was being drug down by the weight of the now water filled cooler which was also tangled in a submerged tree. Nobody could swim the current to me. I luckily had a knife on my hip and had to submerge myself under to cut the rope. We were hungry that night but I was lucky as hell to be alive. + 2.8K Share ...
E34_525i 9y ago I was in my first motocross race and hit a jump too fast. I was 50 feet in the air (never done anything like this before) and I landed 90 feet down the track. I honestly thought I would die at 19 years old. Thankfully my stiff suspension absorbed the landing and left me unharmed. I had intense jitters from adrenaline for the rest of the race. + 132 ...
EatYourPain 9y ago I was in Mexico, exploring an old abandoned resort. I notice an intact radio and flashlight charger on a table, both of which are on. I notice an extension cord going into another room providing them power. As any fellow urban explorers would know, coming across live power in a seemingly abandoned, secluded building is a bad, bad sign. I leave the room immediately. As I turn to look over my shoulder, I see a man with a firearm sitting at the table that I was standing at literally 15 seconds ago. There are no words for
greenpearlin 9y ago Death road in Bolivia going 50km/h down a winding dirt road next to a 500ft clift. And I am not at all an avid biker. At one point I was wobbling as I approached a turn. Proper brick was shat. + 125 ...
Odd_craving 5y ago I lived on an artificial heart for 11 months. It was battery driven and at night I had to plug everything into the wall. The terror was real. I had a thick cord exiting my abdomen attached to a computer that controlled the pump inside my body. The computer failed on me twice and I had to swap it out myself. When the computer unplugs, you have no blood flow. I had to experience this twice. Then I had a heart transplant. That was far less terrifying than the artificial heart. + 6K ...
ggfergu e 5y ago E NEWS ОР Almost crashed in a helicopter. When the pilot started to freak out, that's when I knew we were in trouble. + 6.2K ...
 5y ago Caught in a tornado, outisde, no cover, just laid down in the mud and prayed. Trees fell all around me but I managed to stay put and none landed on me. It was nuts. + 2.3K ...
Crimate_Change . 1y ago G I hydroplaned when someone break checked me, and ended up in a ditch, I was fine my car was fine, my heart rate was goin insane. + 982 Share ...
Chicagospawn6 5y ago When I was woken up by my dogs going nuts and found out my house was on fire. By the time I had woken up the stairs were engulfed in flames. I truly lost all sense of what to do. Thought it was all over. Eventually got to a window and ended up throwing my dogs out the window (all were okay) and jumping out the window. I never would wish that feeling on anybody 1.5K ...
VillageHorse 5y ago 0 Edited 5y ago в On a tour in some mountains in Scotland. Very nice guy driving me up a mountain. It's icy as fuck. All going well until the car swivels out of control and starts to pendulum towards a tree. Genuinely thought it was it. Somehow the driver stops and we just about miss the tree, crashing into a ditch. Не asks me not to mention it to his boss. I tell him to drive on. 2.5K ...
SumAngrySalmon 5y ago . Edited 5y ago . When I was 11 experienced anesthesia awareness during a surgery on my mouth. I was under but I wasnt. I could smell and feel everything and I was hallucinating from the ketamine they gave me. Thought the doctors had killed me and I was in hell.
WinterPyro 5y ago Edited 5y ago During Hurricane Harvey, me and my dad had to get some people out of Crosby, However they got I-10 shutdown, so we had to take some of the back roads to get there. On the way there we got to one part of the road for a good 5 miles the water was about 4 feet deep. My dad's truck is very big and the water was almost going on the top of the hood of the truck from water being pushed. Dad said he's been in war zones during his time in the
iotesshield 5y ago Husband and I were in the car at a red light on a trip. Light turns green and we noticed but had to pick something up from the floor or something before starting to move. After retrieving the (soda bottle?) we started to go...and a giant truck stacked with raw logs blares his horn and runs through the intersection full speed 20 feet in front of us, where our sedan should logically have been. The stoplight was at the bottom of the hill and he couldn't stop in time. 365 ...
ShelledBelle 5y ago First year commercial seine fishing. Jellyfish are raining as were stacking our gear back on the boat. A fucken jellyfish tentacle gets in my eye and across my face as the boat starts to lean a lot toward our fish haul. It was our biggest catch of the season (66k+ lbs) boats capacity is 45k. Captain keeps yelling at me as I keep one eye open the other one is crying and my glasses are all fogged. I can't see shit so I yell at him I can't fucken see! He's still yelling st me to pull
whereismysupersucc . 5y ago I was choking on extremely stretchy cheese from a pizza, coughed it up and tried to eat it again and choked... + 148 ...
2Dtrains E 5y ago . Edited 5y ago Literally three days ago I woke up in the middle of the night to see a face in my room, someone had climbed through the window and I just happened to wake up before they had a chance to do whatever they were planning to do.
pdrace 2mo ago When we couldn't find my son swimming in a lake. The lifeguards emptied the swimming area and we were checking the bathrooms. Finally after 5 minutes or so he pops up after every body is out of the water. Не was wearing a dark suit and was snorkeling. I've never been more scared in my life. 20 Reply ...
 2mo ago Wandering through a hay field and stumbled into a marijuana grow operation. Was 16. Next thing we knew we were at loaded gunpoint in front of a bunch of very pissed off outlaw bikers. I dunno whether I was about to shit my pants or the guy I was with actually did, but the dude must have felt something because he lowered his rifle and said you boys better beat feet! Oh Boy Howdy I ran faster than Forrest Gump . + 236 Reply ...
PassionateLove_Queen 2mo ago when my baby brother choked on something and my mom wasn't home yet. I had to take him to my neighbor and did Heimlich maneuver on him. + 390 Reply ...
Laearric 5y ago I was working out with a personal trainer. Small gym, just for this kind of thing, and we were the only two in there. I finished a pretty rough circuit and he went to the restroom while I recovered. Then I started to feel a tightness in my chest, and pain. I started clutching at my chest, thinking NO NO NOT NOW, NOT LIKE THIS! IT'S TOO SOON! ...And then I let out the biggest, most powerful burp I've ever had. And immediately felt fine. I'd seen in sitcoms and such where a guy thinks he's having
wow_pretty_colors 5y ago The first time I heard a gunshot after surviving being shot in the face with a 9 mm. It was over a year later. I heard the shot while talking to my bf and I immediately just stopped talking turned around and bolted for his car. I got inside and started hyperventilating/crying. It took me quite a while to actually stop breathing so heavy. But he talked me through it and calmed me down. True fear. Followed by intense embarrassment. + 399 ...
SendItRicky 5y ago Running out of gas in my boat with my girlfriend in open water during a storm. Ended up on a shoal trying to hold the boat while a friend brought us more fuel. Honestly thought the waves would wash us away and drown. + 5.9K ...


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