35 Bits of Paranormal Trivia We Think We Saw Out of the Corner of Our Eye
Some of these facts are here, but some are... Right behind you!!!

Want some furry little facts that crawled here from the pet sematary?
They’re cute-ish, right? And okay, so “furry” was a bit of a sketch, but hey, there’s still some fur left on a few of them! Just try to pet around their rotting flesh and exposed bones! Think of a dead fact’s fur as half-full, not half-empty. Plus, if you’re up for it, they might share their little paranormal tidbits with you.
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The Conjuring


Dan Aykroyd


Gas Lamps

Haunting Paranormal Encounters

The Windsor Hum

It's the sound poutine makes, you guys

The Knocking

The Caribbean Sea Sings

Medieval Tunnels

Sailing Stones

A Mysterious Voice

Baltimore Ghost Girl

Source: 15 Paranormal Images Even Non-Crazy People Find Creepy

Haunting Paranormal Encounters

Source: 15 Paranormal Images Even Non-Crazy People Find Creepy
Dash-Cam Ghost

Haunting Paranormal Encounters

Blockbuster Ghost

The Ghost Detector

Haunting Paranormal Encounters

Haunting Paranormal Encounters