34 Hilarious Times Smart People Were Incredibly Stupid

That’s third-grade logic
34 Hilarious Times Smart People Were Incredibly Stupid

Even academic wizards have lapses in intelligence. Take, for instance, the Redditor who knew a woman that was fluent in 10 languages, but also believed that donating blood causes a fatal disease, thought flight attendants catapulted out of the plane in case of emergency and maintained that the consumption of too much ketchup caused her son’s knee pain. 

All of which proves that just because someone is smart in one field doesn’t mean they know much about anything else. 

Other Redditors have recalled the dumbest smart people they’ve ever known, and the next time you meet someone incredibly stupid, just assume they’re really, really knowledgeable about a different topic.

onesmilematters 1y ago e I had a professor for higher mathematics who had real difficulties figuring out how to extract a cup of coffee from the vending machine. Bless him. + 11K ...
eccentricbananaman 0 1y ago My ex wife with a PhD in neuroscience driving my car around with the handbrake on calling me to ask about the noise and smell. + 936 ...
Redqueenhypo 0 1y ago e My professor, a brilliant neurosurgeon, once decided to directly smell a bottle of ammonia. Не then told me don't smell that. I did not plan to! + 1.4K ...
Ziriath 3y ago Guy with a PhD in chemistry. Had a problem with electric furnace, it kept switching off the circuit breakers. So he was told by someone to stick a wooden splinter in it to keep the switch up, but it was too weak and the gap in the breaker too narrow. So he took some strip of metal instead....Well, he still lives but he said he almost shat himself. + 1.4K ...
Comprehensive_Crab79 3y ago . My brother was in uni in the UK And needed a toaster. Не ordered on off of Amazon for £3 and was surprised to find one so cheap. Turns out it was a kids toy, it came with plastic pieces of bread as well. + 3.2K ...
momx3f Зу ago My sister. My wonderful sister. So intelligent, educated... but dang. They had their house inspected and the inspector found an issue with their gas heat. Called in a repairman and it turns out the were having lower levels of carbon monoxide leaking into their home. When my mom asked her why she didn't have several working detectors she answered well I did, but one just wouldn't quit beeping. This was 10 years ago and we still bring it up all the time. Thankfully everyone turned out to be ok, but that wouldn't have been the case much
dasUberSoldat 3y ago Edited 3y ago Easy. Dads an actuary. Basically a cross between a mathematician and an economist. Wrote a text book for his field, and has been CEO of several very large companies. I came home many years ago to hear Age of Empires blaring at a million dB. Thats odd. I wander downstairs to find him playing the game, with headphones on... but unplugged. Не had the sound turned up on the speakers because he couldn't hear it over the dampening of the headphones. To top it off, he had the headphones on backwards. To this day
theroadlesstraveledd . 3y ago We were in a Confrence that mentioned bulimia and she said I think I have ancestors ftom there. 3.5K ...
ImnotUK 1y ago My ex-boyfriends mother was a linguistics professor and knew over 10 languages. She was also one of the dumbest people I've ever met. Some examples: she believed that in case of emergency stewardesses catapult out of the plane; she was also convinced donating blood causes some blood disease and you can die because of it. But my favourite one was when she said her son's orthopaedic problems are not a result of a serious injury he had. His knee hurts because he eats too much ketchup. + 2.2K ...
Pyrochazm 10mo ago e Try to sand the underside of a fan belt while the engine was running. His index and pinkie finger are the same length now. + 1.5K ...
 10mo ago My mom, who was multilingual, said to me, Watch out for that ice. It might be frozen. + 355 ...
throughalfanoir 10mo ago e Just this week someone microwaved a fork in the office kitchen. I work at a research institute. Everyone in here has at least a master's in engineering. + 3.2K ...
HipsterPicard 10mo ago As a kid I saw my stepfather (a Doctor with several specialist qualifications who did two Masters in the same year on a whim) put his hand under the lawnmower to dislodge something....The lawnmower was still on. Не didn't lose fingers permanently but had several months of recovery and skin grafting surgeries. Не was academically brilliant but lacked a lot of practical life skills, clearly. + 945 ...
Jmiller13202 3y ago I have a neighbor, he is by far the smartest person I know. A couple fourth of July's ago he got a quarter stick of dynamite, and strapped it to an rc boat with a detonate button and a timer. Не sent it out on the lake at night, flipped the switch and it didn't go off. So he took it back into the house to fix it, but never turned the detonate button off. So when it was fixed the 7 second timer started going. It ended up going off in the house and blowing out
BS_Creative 10mo ago Someone with a Harvard PhD in biochemistry told me that it never occurred to them that different colors of Nespresso pods in their office meant different types or blends of coffee. It was just all coffee and sometimes the coffee was good, sometimes it was off, and sometimes it felt like it did nothing. It wasn't until they mentioned the last point to a co-worker, that the co-worker pointed out that this person was in the process of loading a decaf pod into the machines. + 874 ...
a_burdie_from_hell 10mo ago My brother is one of the smartest people I know, but he habitually eats the onion. Every now and then he comes at me with crazy storys, and then when he goes to show me his source, I can see him notice in real time that his source is the onion, and then he scrambles to find the real article the onion spoofed off it. Then he says I can't find it now, but this one was based on a real event that was slightly less weird! + 413 ...
dacekrandac 1y ago . I worked IT for a hospital. I was speaking to a doctor who forgot his password. While he was spelling his name phonetically over the phone, he said, Z as in Xylophone. Needless to say, my eyebrows raised. + 7K ...
RumBunBun 1y ago Edited 1y ago I had a boss who was an engineer who put a couple hundred dollars in change in a bank's pneumatic drive through tube where it got stuck and they had to use a jack hammer to get it out. Не was upset that the bank was charging him for this because he didn't know this would happen. They had large signs saying not to put change in the tubes, including on the tubes themselves. + 5.2K ...
PeppermintFart . 3y ago - They used their bare hand to check if the stove was still hot by pressing it directly on the burner, and they had two doctorates. 2.8K ...
t-h-e-d-u-d-e . 3y ago . Edited 3y ago My aunt. College professor. PhD in mathematics. Was blown away when watching my father cook rice without a rice cooker.
katierose0324 3y ago My dad is the smartest person I (and anyone who knows him) know and once when we were kids he tried to make us laugh by sticking peas in his nostrils and ended up accidentally snorting them up into his nasal passages. Best part: he's an ear, nose, and throat surgeon. One of the best in the region I can still hear him pleading with my mother to take them out because he couldn't face his colleagues with peas up his nose that he voluntarily put there. + 9.6K ...
PrestigiousMonk8825 3y ago . My buddy who is now a brilliant emergency medicine doctor at one point while sledding bet he could jump off his moving sled, over a flat bench, and land on the sled. While moving, he realized he couldn't position to jump and crashed ribcage into the bench. Dumbest genius I have ever met... + 15K ...
sizzlingmaniac69 . 3y ago while applying for a job, he thought sick pay meant that the job paid really well + 55K ...
Azryhael . 3y ago My husband. He's a mathematician for the Feds, but he has repeatedly gotten us to the wrong airport in cities that have more than one. Like at least three times. He's brilliant, but a moron. + 7.4K ...
El_Dentistador 3y ago Edited Зу ago I was picking up my date (future wife) when her valedictorian roommate turned quickly away from the TV and said in all seriousness don't look, they're welding! It will damage your eyes. She got more serious as I continued to look back and forth at the tv and her. She actually yelled it's going to blind you! I then asked her So when your tv is showing an image of the sun.... That's as far as I got. You could see the wave of embarrassment wash over her face, she immediately started laugh/crying and
Jburyy . 3y ago . Edited 3y ago Told me that they believe sex scenes in movies were real and didn't understand how the actors significant others handled it...this person is a doctor. 4.4K ...
circus-witch e 3y ago I don't know if he's necessarily the smartest person I know but I know a pretty smart astrophysicist who pointed out a 'star' to us which was in fact a plane. 20K ...
suitology 3y ago . Edited 3y ago My one college professor had a double doctorate, several masters, and was literally was the head of the national magazine for his field and had a lot of respect in the science community. Не didn't know electric eels were real. Like he argued with us.
Hulkemo 1y ago My college roommate, smartest person I've ever met, spent nearly an hour trying to shove a desk back into the corner of our room at an angle. She wouldn't listen to me because in her words she got this. After she finally gave up, I walked over. Pulled the desk out completely and straightened it with the wall, and pushed it back in. One movement, no struggle. Many a time we had where I'd realize she might be the smart one but I've got more common sense. 1.4K ...
PapaChoff 1y ago A long time good friend, absolutely brilliant. Can literally beat you at chess blindfolded. Engineering in college and one of the smartest people I've ever met. But he's a big picture guy, sees how things develop and great long term vision. Incredibly successful. But little things? Guy couldn't pack a suitcase, wouldn't know how to book a flight. Was making boxed Mac-n-cheese and couldn't figure out why it was so watery. Ya, he didn't drain the water after the pasta was cooked. 512 ...
Woodhouse_20 - 1y ago Worked at a tech company, was made team lead. One of our team members was a PhD in astrophysics. Не would ping me constantly for how to do things that we had well documented. How to install certain programs, how to gain access to servers or code repositories. Literally we would sit in zoom calls together and I would just read the instructions out loud and watch him do them. I was utterly confused as to how he could breathe by himself. + 541 ...
Graphitetshirt 1y ago Edited 1y ago My great uncle is a brilliant engineer but has zero social awareness. If I tell him a joke about, say, dogs he won't laugh but he'll tell you about how dogs evolution mirrors humanity's and how our species are symbiotic or some shit. Then we explain to him that it was a joke, he'll replay it in his mind, and then laugh. Edit: I appreciate all the online diagnoses, but he's absolutely not autistic 771 ...
Anonbsnono 1y ago My uncle is smart as fuck. Multiple masters degrees in education and science, constantly wins awards for his teaching and high averages from his students. Tell me why this idiot needed me to remind him how to make ramen several times over? 1.3K ...
mctacoflurry 1y ago My wife's stepfather was a chemist who currently has diabetes. One night he went to the ER because his blood sugar was dangerously high. Не claimed he was eating well (he normally doesnt) so there's no reason why his blood sugar was high. In his car was a 2-liter bottle of ginger ale mixed in with grape juice. Не said that the two canceled their sugars out and we didn't know what we were talking about because he was a chemist and he knows how to combine things. + 35K ...


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