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Everything movies taught you about swords is a lie
40 Random Bits of TV and Movie Trivia You’re Digitally Downloading Into Your Dome

Has it ever felt like maybe katanas are compensating for something? They absolutely are.

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Chloë Grace Moretz became a butterfly knife expert

CHLOË GRACE MORETZ could stab you with a butterfly knife. Kick-Ass probably would've pissed off America even more if they learned that the cursing, head- chopping thirteen-year old got amazingly good with a butterfly knife. Or maybe not, considering then she could stab any creeps who come at her now.

Source: HuffPost

Unsurprisingly, Keanu Reeves is one of the better gunmen in the entertainment business

KEANU REEVES can really shoot. At a certain point after John Wick, Speed, Point Blank, The Matrix, The Bad Matrix Sequels, probably not My Own Private Idaho, Keanu learned to become a professional-level shooter.

Source: AccurateShooter.com

40 Random Bits of TV and Movie Trivia You’re Digitally Downloading Into Your Dome
Han Solo pops up all over in Firefiy. Apparently, the prop department made a prop of Han Solo frozen in carbonite for Nathan Fillion (who's a big Star
The Unknown Prop AIRPLANEII SEQUEL THE In the late 20th century William Shatner and crew attempt to figure out what this machine does. STARTREKIL Tha
CRACKEDcO In 1976, a TV crew working in an amusement park in Long Beach, California, found that a corpse in the haunted mansion wasn't a prop. IT WAS
ONE OF THOR'S HAMMERS WEIGHED 80 POUNDS. Prop master Russell Bobbitt said having one that was too heavy for the actors to lift added authenticity aND
40 Random Bits of TV and Movie Trivia You’re Digitally Downloading Into Your Dome
40 Random Bits of TV and Movie Trivia You’re Digitally Downloading Into Your Dome
40 Random Bits of TV and Movie Trivia You’re Digitally Downloading Into Your Dome

"I'll just be in this lizard head."

Mark Hamill found a David Bowie review inside a Dewback. In what might be the ultimate Easter egg, the actor said he crawled inside a Dewback while filming in Tunisia and discovered the bar that controlled the lizard's head was wrapped in paper-mache. The newspaper that was used included a review of a concert in Paris given by The Thing White Duke, which Hamill read by flashlight.

The Star Wars Easter egg hidden in Cowboy Bebop

CRACKED.COM COWBOY ВЕВОР The show's props and weapons master Nick Komornicki revealed that Han Solo's blaster is hiding somewhere on the Bebop. Fans are trying hard to spot the Star Wars Easter egg.

Source: CBR

There's a Spinal Tap easter egg in Princess Bride OORAL SEA usS Ov ae The hat Rob Reiner wore in Spinal Tap is hanging on the wall of The Grandson's room.

Source: EW

The Grand Budapest Hotel uSeS three aspect ratios for its three time periods, and there's an Easter egg in how those ratios MatcH up with the dates. 1
Rogue One's Keeper of the Holocron credit in the Lucasfilm section isn't an Easter egg, but somebody's real job title. rcative UiSig Keeper of the H


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