12 Strange Symbols of Wealth from the Past

Apparently, a pineapple heist could have been a real possibility
12 Strange Symbols of Wealth from the Past

Nowadays, if you want to let people know that youre ridiculously wealthy, its pretty straightforward. You pop on a Patek Philippe or an Audemars Piguet, or if you want to let even rich people know youre rich, an A. Lange & Söhne. After all, whats the fun in being the kind of rich thats morally questionable if you cant flaunt it? 

People of the past werent any different, but the ways they showed it were.

Here are 12 weird ways the rich folks of yore let everyone know they were flush with cash…


12 Strange Symbols of Wealth from the Past


Theres a reason its called “the kings disease.” Nowadays, its more likely to strike someone whose food pyramid is held up by a foundation of cheap beer and barbecue, but it comes from overindulgence in general. Overindulgence, in the old days meant that you had the money to overeat and overdrink, by nature putting you in the upper class. 

At least they got some appreciative nods for their foot pain back then.


12 Strange Symbols of Wealth from the Past


These days, its not like any color is particularly more expensive than another to produce. The choice between a purple shirt and a white one is more a decision of how many people at a wedding you want looking at you. In the old days, though, with natural dyes, purple was very expensive to produce. If you had even a couple sections of purple cloth on, people knew you'd paid out the nose for it.

Black Teeth

12 Strange Symbols of Wealth from the Past


The polar opposite of the omnipresent caps that are cemented into every celebritys mouth nowadays. In 16th century Japan, wealthy women would color their teeth black. Why? Well, back then, sugar was expensive, so having a mouth straight out of hell meant you were rich. Nowadays, we have Mountain Dew.

Being Overweight

12 Strange Symbols of Wealth from the Past


Again, Mountain Dew hadnt hit the scene yet. So, becoming overweight took actual effort, and more importantly, a bankroll. If you were obese, you were clearly eating good.

Porcelain Dolls

12 Strange Symbols of Wealth from the Past


Okay, the idea of a very expensive toy being a status symbol isnt that weird. Porcelain dolls, however, are incredibly weird as an object. You might as well be buying a ghost holder.


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