21 People Who Have Unintentionally Killed the Most People

If someone asked you — maybe one of those talk show “man on the street” guys — to guess who has killed the most people in all of history, you’d probably answer somewhere in the Hitler neighborhood. If you’re a little more historically educated, you might name-drop Stalin or Mao or Dr. Oz, but you’re definitely thinking of people who looked in the mirror every morning, said to themselves, “Let’s knock ‘em dead today,” and really meant it.
It’s likely, however, that the person who has killed the most people in all of history totally didn’t even mean to do it. We’re not talking about some kind of Final Destination sequence of cartoonish accidents but perfectly innocent actions that someone had no idea would be so harmful to so many people.
They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and apparently, so is the road to the Guinness Book of World Records, as evidenced by the responses when user Space_Unicorn65 asked r/AskReddit, “What human being has killed the most people without knowing it?”