21 People Who Have Unintentionally Killed the Most People

‘Jean Nicot’
21 People Who Have Unintentionally Killed the Most People

If someone asked you — maybe one of those talk show “man on the street” guys — to guess who has killed the most people in all of history, you’d probably answer somewhere in the Hitler neighborhood. If you’re a little more historically educated, you might name-drop Stalin or Mao or Dr. Oz, but you’re definitely thinking of people who looked in the mirror every morning, said to themselves, “Let’s knock ‘em dead today,” and really meant it.

It’s likely, however, that the person who has killed the most people in all of history totally didn’t even mean to do it. We’re not talking about some kind of Final Destination sequence of cartoonish accidents but perfectly innocent actions that someone had no idea would be so harmful to so many people.

They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and apparently, so is the road to the Guinness Book of World Records, as evidenced by the responses when user Space_Unicorn65 asked r/AskReddit, “What human being has killed the most people without knowing it?”

spoonybard326 Зу ago Whoever was in charge of the entrance exam at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna in 1908.
macleodcj14 3y ago Edited Зу ago That dumbass fish that decided to grow legs and walk like 400 million years ago
 Зу ago First person in Europe who died from bubonic plague.
radiovoicex Зу ago Whoever realized that if you left grains and water out it became alcohol.
falloutsong 3y ago The guy who published a paper saying vaccines cause autism.
HyacintToaster Зу ago The first guy to ever make a pointy rock
Jagged_Rhythm Зу ago The Chinese guy that discovered how to make gunpowder.
AgreeableRub7 3y ago The people who killed electric cars is about to kill a whole of a lot more than we can imagine.
broughtonline 3y ago The guy who invented funtime fireworks, which eventually led to intercontinental nuclear missiles.
 Зу ago Probably the person who introduced radium to medicine. That's some terrible stuff
PersonThatlsHere Зу ago Edited 3y ago The chauffer that was driving Franz Ferdinand. Because he took a wrong turn, he ended up at the place the assassin was, and Franz Ferdinand was killed. This lead to WWI. Which then lead to WWII
Hopper86 3y ago Whoever discovered asbestos and it's great heat resistant qualities. It was used in everything from plasters, electric wire insulation, flooring, gaskets, pipes, automotive parts. It still is legal for use in 140 counties around the world including the Untied States.
KarateGandolf Зу ago Almost definitely Thomas Midgley Jr. Не Invented both leaded gas and CFCS.
 Зу ago There was a guy, forgot his name, who invented an additive for engines that reduced engine knocking. It caused cars to emit lead from the exhaust and he single handedly caused much of Americans (and probably many other countries) to have increased levels of lead in their blood for years and years. Lead being lead, and reducing IQ and increasing aggression means this guy alone was / is indirectly responsible for who knows how many deaths and violent acts.
catinapointyhat Зу ago Whoever decided lead was a nice pliable metal to use. Ancient cities just didn't know better and whatever pipework they had used lead and they would store wine in lead/use lead plates, drinking cups,etc... It went on for a VERY long time, the constant exposure really did some damage and no one really knew why. (for many thousands of years)
weaselpoopcoffee 3y ago Henry Ford- mass produced a weapon that would kill multiple millions and permanently disable many multiple millions more.
MuttJunior 3y ago Jean Nicot. Не was a French diplomat that popularized tobacco in Europe. It existed before him, but like Henry Ford didn't invent the auto, just made it more popular with his production methods, Jean Nicot made tobacco more popular in Europe in the 16th Century. In fact, nicotine was named after the tobacco plant Nicotiana tabacum, which in turn was named after Jean Nicot.
 3y ago Columbus brought smallpox which ended up killing an estimated 90% of all Native Americans. I don't think anyone else in history has a kill count that high. Certainly not an unintentional one.
OldMork Зу ago There were thousands of people working on the Manhattan Project, making the atomic bomb, without knowing it. They refined the materials, build the case etc. They had no idea.
GreenYellowDucks 3y ago Edited 3y ago Mao Zedong's war on birds which led to an increase in insects that ate the crops leading to famine in China and starvation of ~50 million people, more than Hitler killed in all of WW2
Kevlar5427 Зу ago Chuck Norris


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