20 Video Games That Would Have the Wildest Cults

‘Candy Crush’ cult followers would be like Jehovah’s Witnesses
20 Video Games That Would Have the Wildest Cults

Cults can form around anything if you try hard enough. There’s a coding cult, another that worships coconuts, and even one that espouses the power of the breast massage (aka half the planet). Did you know Andrew Keegan has his own cult? He barely even had a starring role in 10 Things I Hate About You, but he has his own cult.

So it wouldn’t be unreasonable if someone created a cult based on a video game. It would honestly be pretty shocking if it turned out no one ever had. Considering some of the video games out there that people get obsessed with, however, it would be bound to get weird in a hurry. Reddit proved that after user DoctorMisterRaptor asked r/AskReddit, “If all video games had major cult/religious followings, which would be the craziest?”

djt159 9y ago Fallout AKA Doomsday Preppers.
NartheRaytei 9y ago Eve Online I mean, have you seen us?
lebanks 9y ago Sonic fans; long suffering and dedicated.
101110001 9y ago Candy Crush, if you think Jehovah's Witnesses or Mormons are bad about bugging you...
Artificial-Insanity 9y ago Katamari. The world would be destroyed on a daily basis.
Geddian 9y ago Journey. The infinite silent pilgrimage.
imverykind 9y ago Dark Souls. Only suffering leads to enlightenment.
Brenden2000 9y ago Borderlands: where everyone is a psycho with some sort of gun of mega death.
ElroyJennings 9y ago Crusader Kings 2. The last thing we need is incestuous murderous lustful and manipulative people all trying to push their own agenda.
Ollyson 9y ago How has no one said assassins creed. People would randomly be killed and it would all be blamed on secret societies
 9y ago The Stanley Parable. Is any of this real? Are we just living the story of some Narrator, only capable of diverging from his story, not changing it?
ZeronicX 9y ago Edited 9y ago Halo. They'll try to activate the Halo array and all life in the universe, and deem all that don't fully agree as heretics and kill them
Battingduke 9y ago Silent Hill, constantly bemoaning any appearance of Pyramid Head outside of 2 a false idol. While facing a downpour of hatred against the maker (Konami) for canceling the promised homecoming of the franchise to it's roots and the promised land. Instead we'll be stuck in our room clinging to shattered memories of our origins.
StarTroop 9y ago With all our love for Kojima, the Metal Gear Solid following would be a contender. There are so many Christian catchphrase parallels: Hey Konami, let's keep the Koji in Koji-mas. This is further proof of the War on Kojimanity, which of course, has changed... It's Adamska and Eva, not Pachinko fucking machines!!!!!!! Our father (Big Boss), who art in Outer Heaven... In the name of the Father, the Son, the other Son, and the other Son, amen.
MonkeyCube 9y ago Smash Bros. It would quickly fracture into many different, angry religious groups. Sweeping is a sin! In the Final Destination of heaven, there is only Fox! The portable delegation are not true adherents of the faith!
MrManicMarty 9y ago World of Warcraft They hate it, but love it at the same time. Constantly displeased, but keep coming back... it's Stockholm Syndrome 101
papermarioguy02 9y ago Minecraft, I mean they would constantly be trying to get people hooked as kids. And for some of those kids visiting the cult would be the only recreational activity they took part in. It'd be pretty scary especially considering its size.
LRedditor15 9y ago Edited 9y ago The Sims. The game is about controlling other people's lives. Think of how manipulative the members of that religion would be.
Arcanelnsane 9y ago As a hardcore Mass Effect fan I for one welcome the Shepard, who will bring us teachings from the Codex. Until the inevitable Shia/Sunni style conflicts between the Paragons and the Renegades. I don't know how that will end, but I know it will be an unsatisfying ending that leaves you feeling fucked over.
 9y ago And he said on to them, gotta catch them all.


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