40 Fresh-Faced Bits of TV and Movie Trivia That Just Moved to Hollywood From the Country, and Darn It, They’re Determined to Make Something of Themselves

So hopeful, so naive
40 Fresh-Faced Bits of TV and Movie Trivia That Just Moved to Hollywood From the Country, and Darn It, They’re Determined to Make Something of Themselves

Spider-Man 2

There's a Doctor Strange Easter egg in Spider-Man 2. 233 Bleeker Street (212) 366-1182 The pizza shop Peter works for is in Bleeker Street, and the address of Doctor Strange's Sanctum Sanctorum is 177A Bleecker Street.

Garfield's Spider-Man saves MJ

SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOME EASTER EGGS ONE MOMENT IN TIME As with all of Spidey's love interests, a Goblin causes MJ to almost die in this film, and while Spidey is too late to save her, Andrew Garfield's Amazing Spider-Man swoops in in the nick of time... saving her as he couldn't save Gwen. CRACKED.COM

Source: Screen Rant

Inglorious Basterds

EASTER EGGSTRA HIDDEN MEANINGS & REFERENCES ONCE UPON A TIME IN... HOLLYWOOD THE INGLORIOUS. BASTERDS REFERENCE In one scene, the narrator says that one of Rick's new Spaghetti Westerns was directed by Antonio Margheriti. Margheriti is a fake name used by one of the basterds trying to impersonate an Italian cinematographer. CRACKED.COM
BEHIND-THE-SCENES FACTS The voice actor for Ghostface was kept out of view of the actors. CRACKED.COM In the Scream series, the voice actor for Ghostface (Roger L. Jackson) was hidden on set when he voiced his lines to keep the on-screen actors believably unsettled by him. When characters are taunted by him on the phone, he really is talking to them from somewhere out of sight. He also voiced Mojo Jojo on The Powerpuff Girls, so there's that.

Trey Parker didn't want "Make Love, Not Warcraft" to air

BEHIND-THE-SCENESp FACTS TREY PARKER DIDN'T WANT MAKE LOVE NOT WARCRAFT TO AIR. SOUTH PARK Parker says he thought they lost their touch during season ten and begged the network to not air the now fan-favorite episode. He thought the episode was terrible and that it would ruin their legacy. CRACKED COM



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