40 Bits of True Crime Trivia That Each Deserve Their Own Netflix Special

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40 Bits of True Crime Trivia That Each Deserve Their Own Netflix Special

Dr. Death

The most prolific serial killer in recorded human history was a doctor. CRACKED.COM British doctor Harold Shipman (also known as 'Doctor Death') was proven to have murdered at least 250 of his patients but may have killed as many as 459 people.


Serial Killers Birthdays

CRACKEDCo MoRE SERTAL KILLERS ARE BORN IN ANUARY THAN ANY OTHER MONTH A study of 293 serial killer spread across 29 countries all over the world revea

Serial Killer Geniuses

CRACKED.COM MYTH: Serial killers are geniuses. REALITY It's mostly just the ones they make shows about. The latest studies put the average intelligence of serial killers barely above what's considered below average. One study puts it more clearly, saying that there is almost zero correlation between intelligence and psychopathy.


Young Pole Gertrude Boyarski saw her whole family murdered by the Germans. She then joined the Jewish partisans and mercilessly hunted down soldiers.

Deadly Demonstration

A lawyer shot himself demonstrating how the victim might have accidentally shot himself. GRACKED.COM Clement Vallandigham, a lawyer and Ohio politician defending a man accused of murder, had his client cleared in 1871 by his first-hand demonstration. Vallandigham died 12 hours later.


The mystery: the paulding Light, a light that mysteriously appears above the tree line on US Highway 45. The locals believe it's the ghost of a railro
Jimmy Savile, the JIMMY SAVILE British TV host INTRODUCES BENAMIN RABBIT AND THE whose shocking STRANGER sexual crimes DANGER against children were di

Fox News aired a bizarre fake photo replacing Jeffrey Epstein with the judge who signed off on Trump's search warrant.

Fox News aired a bizarre, Photoshopped image of the judge that green-lit the Mar-a-Lago FBI raid. CRACKED COM Incensed that anyone would dare try to hold Donald Trump accountable for such a small crime as High Trea- son, Fox photoshopped Judge Bruce Reinhart onto Jeffy Epstein's body aboard a private plane.

Business Insider

TELL US NOW. NIGHT STALKER Dan W. recommends the four-part true crime documentary, saying The cinematography and sets, plus storytelling, are off the charts!


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