40 Random Bits of Trivia About the United States of America That Will Sap the Patriotism Out of Your Brain

Wow, a lot of bad stuff has happened here
40 Random Bits of Trivia About the United States of America That Will Sap the Patriotism Out of Your Brain

These absolute goons wanted to mail the White House to St. Louis.

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Nathan Bedford Forrest

CONFEDERATE GENERAL NATHAN BEDFORD FORREST CRaun was the first grand wizard of the KKk. In 1869 he renounced his involvement and tried to shut down th
The last civil War widow died the year Barack Obama won his first presidential election. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED COM

Disease was the biggest killer of the Civil War.

Disease and unsanitary conditions caused the majority of fatalities during the American Civil War. Twice as many soldiers died from disease as from battle wounds, the result of poor sanitation in an era that created mass armies that did not yet under- stand the transmission of infectious diseases. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW


Benedict Arnold tried to get Canada to fight with the US.

Benedict Arnold tried to invade Canada. Before he became a spy for the British, Patriot officer Benedict Arnold was sent to take the city of Quebec In an attempt to force the province of Quebec into joining the fight against the British during the Revolutionary War. Arnold's campaign ended in a disastrous defeat that nearly cost him his life. CRACKED.COM

Vox / Wikipedia

George Washington

GEORGE WASHINGTON PUT IN EXTRA EFFORT TO ENSURE SLAVERY Starting in 1780, the Washingtons transported their enslaved workers in and out of Pennsylvania every six months to avoid a law that would have allowed for their freedom. Washington was an enslaver since he inherited 10 slaves at the age of 11. By the Revolutionary War, he enslaved 150 people. CRACKED.COM

Source: History

Dwayne The Rock' Johnson's father descended from Black Loyalists. Escaping Southern plantations following The Revolutionary War, they immigrated to N
Source: Solomon, Brian (2006). WWE Legends. Simon and Schuster.
Deborah CRACKED Sampson COM son Enlisted in the Continental Army in 1782 during The Revolutionary War disguised as a man. In an effort to not be expos


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