40 Random Bits of Trivia About the United States of America That Will Sap the Patriotism Out of Your Brain
Wow, a lot of bad stuff has happened here

These absolute goons wanted to mail the White House to St. Louis.
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More: The 5 Most Embarrassing Failures in the History of War
The Last Surrender


Nathan Bedford Forrest

Source: 21 Long-Game Revenge Schemes
“Confederate Heritage Month” is meant to recognize the American Civil War.

The Confederacy

Native Americans

Native Americans: Code Talkers of WWII.

American Customs That Make No Sense To The Rest Of The World
John Quincy Adams

Source: The First Gay President: 18 Sexual Secrets Of US Presidents


Loreta Janeta Velazquez

Celebrating a Confederate exodus.

Source: The American Surgeon

Disease was the biggest killer of the Civil War.

The tree of liberty

Save The Best For Last

Historical relic: check.

Places named Lincoln are mostly named after Benjamin, not Abraham.

Benedict Arnold tried to get Canada to fight with the US.

The Revolutionary War

George Washington

Source: History