20 Dumb Trends We Would Prefer to Forget Ever Happened

Ugh… the Harlem Shake
20 Dumb Trends We Would Prefer to Forget Ever Happened

As if it weren’t bad enough being all sweaty and pimply and horny, for some reason, between the ages of about 12 to 25, we lose all sense of whether an item of clothing is completely hideous. Don’t believe us? Go flip through your high school yearbook. You will see yourself wearing something so ugly that you’ll refuse to believe your parents let you out of the house like that on philosophical grounds alone. It might still be in the back of your closet somewhere. You can probably get a good price for it on Depop.

It’s not just fashion, either. The ways we entertain ourselves, decorate our homes and even permanently alter our bodies are all subject to the whims of the zeitgeist. They’re usually easy enough to stuff in a box in the basement — save for, you know, the permanent body alterations — but those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. That’s right: Skinny jeans are coming back. But that’s not what Redditors were thinking about when they answered use rGyapaetusWeed’s question for r/AskReddit, “What is a weird trend that existed that everyone forgot about?”

WhaChuLookingAt 4y ago Flash mobs?
 4y ago The Harlem Shake
LukeWarmJr 4y ago Bright colored silicone charity bracelets
welderballs 4y ago When people wore visors upside down and sideways.
MollyXDanger502 4y ago Making friendship pins with tiny colored beads strung on little gold safety pins. We laced them through our gym shoes.
NotThisNonsense 4y ago In middle school, guys would wear extra long belts and it would dangle off to the side.
 4y ago Edited 4y ago When I was 10 kids at my school (myself included) wore overalls backwards like Kriss Kross.
leathebimbo 4y ago All the millennials pretending to be vampires as teenagers.
antictrash 4y ago The weird obsession with mustaches in 2013 or whatever year it was
dankredditer 4y ago The whip and nae nae. It happened and then just kinda stopped existing.
8osam 4y ago Those Pharell Williams - Happy tribute videos. Not really weird, but kinda annoying.
kelsleo12 4y ago Anyone remember hit clips? Getting a tiny little player and only a snippet of a song. Whoever had the most Keychain songs was the coolest. I had the boom box player!
TakuyaWC . 4y ago Not sure if anyone has mentioned it but Rollerblades. I remember getting a pair when I was young, pretty much ate shit when I crashed into a street lamp, then giving up forever.
FidgetyGidget 4y ago In, like, 1999 or 2000, yo-yos got popular in a big way. A bunch of kids did tricks with them, everyone wanted one, and then it just ended. Everyone seems to remember slap bracelets and pogs from around the same time but no one remembers the yo-yo obsession.
Daisyisreal99 4y ago Edited 4y ago Remember Silly Bandz, everyone wanted character/animal/object shaped rubber bands on their arm, we all traded them for ones we wanted more and who ever had the most was the coolest. Some kids went as far as wearing them so tight they left marks. Than after about a year they dropped off the face of the earth and no one ever discussed them again.
Clintman 4y ago When swing music and swing dancing was really popular for like 6 months in 1998.
smcsleazy 4y ago that period in the late 90's and early 00's where neon inflatable furniture was popular
xcelllz 4y ago Popped collars and Abercrombie and Fitch. That phase of high school was interesting. At least 3-6 Mafia gave us a a song about it.
ThelRSEvader 4y ago Tech Deck finger-boards. Used to go over to a friend's house and SHRED his mini- skatepark.
djmothra 4y ago Thanks to one popular song in the 90s, everyone was obsessed with Gregorian Chants for a few months. It didn't even seem that weird at the time.


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