21 Parts of American Culture That Non-Americans Couldn’t Believe Were Actually True

‘Surfer dudes actually speak like that’
21 Parts of American Culture That Non-Americans Couldn’t Believe Were Actually True

Imagine that somewhere in the neighborhood of 80 percent of the pop culture you consume comes from France. Just about every movie you watch, song you hear and game you play is all about French people and how they have gourmet meals in public school cafeterias and have to do weird word math to count numbers past 70 and smoke like it’s Mad Men up in there. It’s gotten to the point where people are so sick of the French that they started making fun of them, and you assume most of it, including what you see on TV, is exaggerated. And then you find out it’s all true.

That’s the experience of many foreigners in the United States. From our Big Gulps and ubiquitous brands illustrating a little too perfectly our foremost sins of gluttony and greed to the parts of everyday life we never even think about, like the cracks in the doors of public bathroom stalls, there are symbols of American culture so wacky that people in other parts of the world just assume they’re jokes. And they listed them all when user Shelleton8 asked r/AskReddit, “Non-Americans of Reddit, what is the craziest rumor you heard about America that turned out to be true?”

Hasetate 5y ago Surfer-dudes actually speak like that.
el_dude_brother2 5y ago Free refills!
BucketsofKFC 5y ago All the food is bigger.
 5y ago You can see into the public toilet cubicles
wgtjsylemyqsurn 5y ago There's an American flag in every classroom in schools
panda_1996 5y ago That Dolly Parton has her own theme park in Tennessee. I thought it was a joke.
TheHunterBB 5y ago That people actually get attacked by Alligators which got in their pools (specifically referring to Florida here).
 5y ago The honking... I thought it was a movie stereotype, and then I went to New York
idk-what-name 5y ago Edited 5y ago They have those angry sinks that chop shit Edit:People have told me their called garbage disposals, thx
Kwickly1 5y ago So apparently yellow school buses are actually a thing in America. I honestly thought it was just a cartoon thing, but nope.
Hamptaro 5y ago I always thought that the Olive Garden in The Simpsons was just code for 'generic restaurant'
yeniza 5y ago Cheese in an aerosol spray can... I genuinely thought that was a hoax, what the abominable shit, USA???
Jacilund 5y ago That there are security guards(or cops) in the school's halls, and some even have metal detectors at the entrance like the TSA at airports...
PlaidSkirtBroccoli 5y ago Masked people come to your house, knock on your door asking for candy. Mostly it's just packs of kids but sometimes whole families. This was my friends Halloween culture shock.
 5y ago The Take me out to the ballgame song thats apparently sung at baseball games. still not entirely sure that guy wasnt taking the piss out of me
YaBoi_Louie 5y ago Before I moved to America, I heard about dishwashers. That shit sounded too good to be true. Well, imagine my surprise.
Kiwipai 5y ago Private prisons. I thought it was some sort of haha the US is a dystopian hell hole exaggeration joke the first time I heard it was a thing. I had to look it up to believe it because I was 100% sure the person was just trying to fuck with me when he said he was serious.
Wurdan 5y ago Edited 5y ago Not exactly crazy, but I wanted to test out the stereotype that Americans will talk to anyone so I sought out a sports bar on my first visit. Ended up having a ton of really fun conversations with total strangers who I'll never talk to ever again. It was great!
Inquistador43 5y ago I'm from Quebec and when we went down to Boston for a school trip, I sneezed in public and heard two or three people say bless you. Quite a weird rumour I had heard not 2 months prior to that. I thought it was nice.
RavynLearnsBadly 5y ago I'm from Australia, and all my life I believed red Solo cups were like 555 area codes - a Hollywood prop. When I immigrated to the US, my MIL was making dinner and offered me iced tea in a red Solo cup. I lost it, made everyone sign the cup. I've still got it.
DeeKaah 5y ago I studied in Maryland for about half a year back in 2017. I'd always heard that Americans are like... super good at pie. I was pretty much all alone during thanksgiving since everyone else was with their families. One of the RAs I'd befriended knocked on my door and brought me all different kinds of pie. Dear lord, I've never tasted anything that delicious. From blueberry to apple to pumpkin. Every. Single. Pie. They were all amazing.


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