21 of the Best Weapons to Use in a Legitimate Food Fight

‘Molten sugar’
21 of the Best Weapons to Use in a Legitimate Food Fight

Not to get all Jonathan Frakes on you, but have you ever been in a food fight? We see them all the time on TV but so rarely in real life, probably because if we ever pulled that shit in our middle school cafeterias, we’d be trapped inside until it was all cleaned up. And we wouldn’t see the sun for a month.

But maybe you’ve experienced a modest food fight. Maybe just a roll thrown at your brother at the dinner table or experimenting with involuntary popcorn accessorizing at the movies. Maybe you’ve even participated in an honest-to-goodness, knockdown, drag-out food fight just like you see in the movies. Odds are, it wasn’t that serious. It was all in good fun, resulting in no hard feelings and few injuries more severe than lemon juice in the eye.

But what if it was serious? What if you were a Hollywood ruffian and the rival gang insisted on meeting for a rumble at the Sizzler? Would you go the chemical warfare route with a hot pepper? Brute force with a denser plant? Grab something you could quickly carve into a knife? Or just have fun with it?

These were the questions weighing on user cmk112’s mind when they asked r/AskReddit, “In a serious food fight, a food fight to the death, what would be the most appropriate food weapon?”

Their fellow Redditors provided a culinary armory in response.

 8y ago Candy cane shanks
SultanofShit 8y ago A pineapple mace.
greenhokie . 8y ago Molten sugar
unavibal 8y ago A coconut attached to a cucumber with gummy snakes.
 8y ago I want to try to stab someone with a carrot.
Cameron_Sosa 8y ago Scalding hot Pizza Rolls.
spoonybard326 8y ago Escargot. And plenty of decoy escargot.
cheeseburgerburpees 8y ago Day old Panera baguette. Slightly stronger than adamantium.
Junkyard_Rat 8y ago Molotov cocktails made from high-proof whiskey.
EndlessEnds 8y ago I'd wield a frozen sword-fish, like a sword
Karmathabiatch 8y ago Hot sauce and vinegar. The chemist's food weapon of choice.
Rivley 8y ago From what I hear, fruitcake might cause a mean dent.
 8y ago According to Plants vs zombies frozen watermelons inflict a lot of damages.
edge231 8y ago Bay leaf. They must be lethal cause my mom never let me eat them.
Jamaican_Dynamite . 8y ago Powdered coffee creamer. Or flour. Or powdered sugar. You could literally torch someone with it if you had to.
PAKMan1988 8y ago Apples; they may not seem like a lot, but you can carry a bunch with you, hold them easily in your hand, and, depending how good you are at throwing, could probably knock someone out with one at the right distance. If you really wanted to, you could even make an apple bandolier.
combos_incident 8y ago I was in a food fight a few years ago after a shrimp boil. The cobs from corn on the cob felt like getting hit with a rock. Those fuckers left some serious bruises. Maybe not death...but they could do some damage.
 8y ago Not sure about fight to the death, but a prickly pear would be an awesome torture device. Made the mistake of touching one with my bare hand and I wanted to peel my skin off, couldn't even see the hairs to pull them out
GuitarGodGavin 8y ago Potato cannons are pretty painful, maybe even lethal at close range.
EndoShota 8y ago Carolina Reaper chili peppers. Nearly 900x as hot as a jalapeno, those fuckers have as much punch as commercial pepper spray.
esuohe 8y ago Cinnamon. Delivery method: biggest spoon in the drawer. Then suffocate with fresh, warm durian to the face to dash all remaining signs of hope.


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