30 Trivia Tidbits About TV and Movie Tropes

The dos and don’ts of visual storytelling
30 Trivia Tidbits About TV and Movie Tropes

Even though two movies seem totally different on the surface, their shared trope can have them telling pretty much the same story. Moana and Neo both share “the chosen one” trope, but their tales were told in such unique ways that one would never be seen as a rip-off of the other. 

Some storytellers, however, aren’t so original. They use tropes in lieu of originality. It’s like how the force in Star Wars can be used for good or evil. 

Look at that! We just used a trope ourselves.

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Normal-Looking Futures

Tired sci-fi tropes (that still work) Normal-looking future Between glossy or gritty futures, we just love the concept of our sci-fi being set five minutes ahead. This allows for whatever convenience is necessary, while also looking unnervingly similar to our own society. Face-Off is a classic action sci-fi with a normal-looking future, but the main reference is, of course, Black Mirror. Lacie 4.243 CRACKED.COM


Dances With Wolves

KEVIN COSTNER DANCES GRACKED.COM WITH WOLVES This movie set the bar for White Savior tropes in Hollywood. It won Best Picture over Goodfellas. WINNER OF SEVEN ACADEMY AWARDS INCLUDING BEST PICTURE 1990 OAM.P.A.S.



WORST REALITY TV TROPES EXCUSES FOR DRAMA Sudden drama and unreasonable decisions are the bread and butter of reality TV. Sure, some contestants will screw over each other in shocking ways, but even normal-looking participants will betray each other for petty, unimportant reasons. CRACKED.COM



25:00 00:00:30:00 WORST REALITYTV TROPES FRANKENBITES C0069AMP MVI_0 MVI_92 The name says it all. Audio can be built out of bits and pieces from other conversations or monologues, in order to give the impression of a contestant saying something they never actually said. CRACKED.COM


Forgetting Sarah Marshall

BREAK-UP MEDIA Forgetting Sarah Marshall I hate the cliche of the only way to get over someone is to get under someone else, but if it must be utilized, then this raunchy comedy is the gold standard. CRACKED.COM



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