31 of the Most Depressing Encounters People Had With Famous People

‘I went to a party once that Bill Maher threw’
31 of the Most Depressing Encounters People Had With Famous People

If you attend a party thrown by Bill Maher, having depressing encounters with celebrities is par for the course. One Redditor did so, and remembers seeing Gary BuseyLarry Flynt and Kato Kaelin in attendance. They said it was “the saddest collection of D-List celebs” they’d ever seen, noting that a highlight was smoking a joint under a balcony with Coolio and Kid from Kid ‘n Play. Yeesh. 

Other Redditors have shared the times the stars around them weren’t shining so bright, including a timeless interaction with George R.R. Martin.

bubba3517 9y ago A buddy of mine was a student at the University of Michigan while Michael Phelps was training there under Bob Bowman. Не and a few friends were walking outside the natatorium and ran into Phelps, who was eating a granola bar while heading in to practice. They were pretty awestruck, and headed over in hopes of a photo or potential blumpkin. Phelps quickly finished his granola bar in order to shake my buddy's hand. As they were shaking hands he transferred the wrapper to my buddy, leaned in, whispered you can keep that, and promptly walked off.
rmpriest13 9y ago Edited 9y ago I met George R. R. Martin at the Blaze Pizza in Evanston a couple of months back when he was in town to accept an award from Northwestern University. At the time, I was listening to the audiobook of A Clash of Kings, and he very excitedly told me, You've got a ways to go to catch up! When I told him that I've already read what he's published three times, and am listening to the audiobook as a new way to experience the story, he just kind of ... deflated. Не let out
anotherredditvirgin 9y ago I had waited an hour and a half in line for a ride at Great Adventure. Was in the front seat line so the wait was even longer. Finally, I was next in line--watched gleefully as my train pulled in. And Chris Rock and his family come walking up from the exit and are given my spot, without waiting at all. I was both sad and mad and have held a grudge against him ever since + 2.3K ...
JoyceCarol0atmeal 9y ago I met Hulk Hogan when I was four (latish 80s) at some wrestling thing in Dallas. All I remember is that my dad got his attention as he was walking toward the ring, and when he came around he stuck out this GIANT hand and said Put it there, darlin'! I recognized him but he was scary, so I peed my pants and cried. I guess it's obvious now that he wanted a handshake or a high five or.... something? No idea. Anyway, scared the piss out of me. Dude is huge. + 3.2K ...
buttdirt 9y ago I had an entirely eyeball/body language conversation with Chris Pontius in a Guitar Center. Не was playing an acoustic. I saw him, he looked at me. I realized who he was, he saw that I recognized him and he gave me a look that was so sad, like, please don't announce to the world that I'm here. I nodded and he smiled and looked relieved. The end. + 3.2K ...
 9y ago My mom found Paris Hilton incognito in an airport, came to find me, brought me to a tiny lady in a hoodie and big sunglasses in the middle of the airport, goes hi are you Paris Hilton? Then pushed me in front of her and said here, say hi to my son! Like I was a weird birthday gift or something. She said sup. I said sup then she did this weird little laugh. Then my mom goes okay bye! That was my sad and awkward meeting with Paris Hilton in an airport. + 3.9K ...
nectarousness 9y ago Not me but my friend's sister-in-law saw Jack Black walking down the street and eventually the crossed paths and her, not wanting to pass up the chance at meeting him, approached him. She said something like Is it really you? And he said yes. Then she said This is so weird, its really you. And he said It's not weird for me. Then he asked her where she was going and she said she was going to the weed dispensary, thinking he might find it funny but he turned a bit sullen and said he was going
stinkibuttinski . 9y ago Seeing a movie in Ottawa with my mother as a child, and Tom Green was behind us all alone, looking greyish. My mom told me not to bother him because Drew Barrymore had just dumped him. + 3.9K ...
 9y ago My brother met Gene Simmons back stage at a show he was playing in. Gene complimented my brother highly on his guitar playing but then said too bad you'll never make it and just walked away. 4.5K ...
GrollTheLicker 9y ago I got cockblocked by Brad Pitt. I was an extra in World War Z and I met this girl there and we were talking and all was great until one time Brad Pitt walks by. Was very friendly to her... totally blanked me. His stunt double was a cool dude though. + 3.4K ...
candyflipperman 9y ago My family took a trip to Disney World when I was around 10. One day we went swimming in the hotel pool/ lagoon and there was this dad throwing Nerf football with his daughter and he was launching them across this huge pool/ lagoon. My brother saw this guy and asked my dad why he couldn't be more like this guy. My dad says, Son, that's Joe Montana. 39 ...
thedanana 9y ago I saw John Stewart and his daughter while in a New Jersey music shop. Не seemed really nice, but his daughter noticed me noticing him. I wasn't going to bother them, but she got embarrassed and quietly told her dad she wanted to leave. I felt pretty bad. 56 ...
WhiteCh0cOlate 9y ago . Edited 9y ago Joe Rogan made me feel like a piece of shit. Edit for deets: I went up to him after a show in Vegas. I didn't want to sound like the last 100 idiots that said the same stuff, so I just shook his hand and looked him in the eyes. Не looked back at me like I was a freak for not saying anything. It made me feel horrible. + 44 ...
Joshula 9y ago I met Bob Odenkirk and David Cross out back of a venue in 2000 or2001--whenever they were doing the Mr. Show tour. We knew they'd be back there because someone had gone the previous night and seen them all hanging out in the back. I wanted a record of meeting them, but only had a stupid video camera. When I finally came upon them, they looked worn out, and all I could think to say was, Say something funny! Poor David just kind of jiggled, waved his arms a bit, and made a sort of nondescript noise.
lavenuma 9y ago Tina Fey. I saw her sitting alone. I walked up to her to say how much I appreciated her work, and she looked at me and said yeah, what do you want? and I continued to be polite and she nodded mmhmm, yeah ok and looked away. Awful. 75 ...
MfBabycat . 9y ago I met E-40 the bay area rapper in a local high end grocery store. Being a dumb 19 year old I approached him and asked him if he needed any weed. Не looked me in the eyes and said naw man, I'm an alcoholic. 159 ...
ratbastid 9y ago There's a food court in the Charlotte airport where I didn't bother Elvis Costello. There he was, unquestionably him (even if I hadn't recognized him, he had a bowling bag shaped carry-on with the word ELVIS on it). Everything about me wanted to go up and fanboy at him about how much I've meant to his music over the years and omigod, and instead I said, you know what, no. We're all grownups here. Let the man eat his Quiznos in peace. So whenever I've flown through Charlotte since then and walked past that spot, I note
themastermatt 9y ago I pissed off Peyton Manning at a Titans game once. We had season tickets on the 50 like 8 rows from the field. I was shithoused drunk and taunted him the whole game. His team was loosing and he wasnt preforming like himself. Не finally turned around, pointed me out of the crowd and screamed Shut the Fuck up! Sad because he lost to the Titans and Im an Asshole. + 155 ...
PaulClarkLoadletter 9y ago Saw Ben Stiller at The Troubador. Не walked up next to me and ordered a drink at the bar. I gave him my generic big fan and he was about to ask me something when one of my creep friends walked up behind us and said, Beat it, Zoolander. I need to talk to him. Не walked away with a look of disbelief. I could have had a nice conversation but my idiot friend decided to be an asshole. 95 ...
 9y ago Edited 9y ago Brendan Fraser. My mom was working as an extra in a movie with him. My dad, brother, and I went to pick her up after she was done. The staff was cool and let us watch the scene they were about to wrap up with them and at the end everyone was laughing, so my brother and I started laughing too. I was about 10 and my brother 6. Не looks over at us (this guy was my childhood idol, George of the Jungle and Dudley Do- Right were my favorite movies as a
whenkittiesattackk 9y ago Probably when I met Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick. I go to the grocery store late at night and get in the checkout line and see them - we were the only people in the store. They were arguing about something, so I didn't say hi and just awkwardly stared instead... 335 ...
Oh_no_hes_a_doctor 9y ago I was on vacation with the family in Hawaii when I was little. While in the pool, I see Pauly Shore walking through knee deep water with nothing but a red speedo on and visibly hammered. Не is carrying some Hawaiian girl in his arms. Не walks right past me and I state Hey! You're Pauly Shore!! (my first celebrity encounter...I was young). Не looks at me with drunk googly eyes and says I am? Oh yeah. Whatever, man. + 1.1K ...
Axcalibur o 9y ago . Edited 9y ago I work for an airline, so I see some celebs from time to time. One time Tom Cruise cussed me out because I wouldnt violate federal law and bring his checked bags to him planeside. Made him go to baggage claim loke everyone else.
dirtyfacedkid 9y ago I went to a party once that Bill Maher threw. It was the saddest collection of D-List celebs I've ever seen. Notables were Gary Busey, Larry Flynt and the man I ended up tossing the football with, Kato Kaelin. Highlight: Smoked a joint under a balcony with Kid from Kid n Play and Coolio. + 1.1K ...
 9y ago After Katrina, my now-wife and her then-boyfriend were in Whole Foods in New Orleans, shopping. There was a guy there who looked like Laurence Fishburne, and the boyfriend turns my wife and says, loudly, Damn! Laurence Fishburne got fat! The man turns around slowly and just stands there, looking at them, forlorn. It was Laurence Fishburne. + 1.5K ...
wear_my_socks 9y ago Keira Knightley and her plus one were at a bar / theatre /TV studio I used to work at. My manager told me to take a bowl of olives outside to her table. My hands were shaking so hard. She's even more beautiful in real life. I tripped on the leg of the table before hers and landed right on my face. She was ridiculously nice about it. I was mortified. Two of my colleagues were on a break a few tables over and I never heard the end of it. 128 ...
elaineseinfeld . 9y ago Aziz Ansari hit on me years ago and I was too starstruck to remember how to talk. + 2.7K ...
alphex 9y ago This is more embarrassing for me... 4am in an air port I ran into Adam Savage. Strike 1: don't talk to anyone in an airport at 4am. They're just as delirious and tired as you are. Strike 2: don't fuck up and say his co-hosts name when you try to say hi. Bonus. Не tweeted about 5 minutes later complaining about idiots in airports trying to say hi by calling him Jamie... Learn from my mistake. 325 ...
talbottron 9y ago Edited 9y ago I was at a cheese shop in the West Village (I realize how douchey this sounds) when I noticed James Spader was at the counter. I was in the middle of a massive Boston Legal binge at the time and absolutely adored his work. So I went to the counter and started looking at the cheese (this is casual, it's a cheese shop for fuck's sake). Не was sampling cheeses and I just looked at this man whose work I so admired and respected and said how's the Gouda? Apparently it's delicious. Stupid. Stupid.
whoops519 9y ago I saw Nicholas Cage at a restaurant when I was 7. I tried to take a picture of him discreetly and the flash went off. Не and his posse immediately got up and left. 4.3K ...
snoopercooper e 9y ago William Shatner, he was a total jerk... I was about 15, said hello to him and he didn't even respond, just looked at me like I kicked his dog... His wife on the other hand was very sweet... 38 ...


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