20 of the Biggest Scams of All Time

‘Printer ink’
20 of the Biggest Scams of All Time

If a sucker is born every minute, then so is a new scam. In this day and age, information simply travels too fast for any particular con to be effective for very long. We all know not to answer texts from anyone we don’t know, Nigeria isn’t a monarchy and our cars don’t have extended warranties. Like we would shell out for that.

But we do still fall for scams, usually because we don’t realize it. The grift is so embedded in our everyday lives that we simply never question why we have to pay for something we should be getting for free (like water, healthcare and our mother’s love); pay for shoddy products and services (textbooks, chicken wings); or just pay exorbitant fees without getting much in return (payday loans, Scientology).

It was all brought into the light when user BaronsofDundee asked r/AskReddit, “What is the biggest scam in the history of mankind?”

 2y ago Enron. That was a multi billion dollar ponzi scheme. Quite literally the biggest scam in history
Low_Quarter_583 2y ago Edited 2y ago My mom telling me she won't be mad if I tell her the truth
Mr_BananaPants 2y ago Printer ink
Separate_Flatworm546 . 2y ago Publishers Clearing House
Im_Negan 2y ago Payday loan companies
Bruce_wayne_03 . 2y ago Trickle down economics.
uslessinfoking 2y ago Bottled water in developed countries.
Bilbostockbaggins 2y ago Dental costs, such astronomical fees.
Grinagh 2y ago Having a lawn that needs to be artificially maintained.
Resafalo 2y ago The wedding industry is one big scam
Homeskillet359 2y ago Credit and credit scores. You have to have credit in order to get credit?
kingd33z 2y ago WINGS!! They charge you for a drum and flat when technically it's all one wing minus the tip.
SuvenPan 2y ago Textbook access codes that you get after buying a new textbook and can use only once.
bzaroworld 2y ago the U.S. making it illegal to not have insurance on your car and then having the insurance companies doing everything in their power to not pay out
leons_getting_larger 2y ago Health Insurance $20k/year for something I hope I don't have to use. But if I do use it? Another $3k
Select-Efficiency548 2y ago Academic journals. As an academic, you put in a lot of work and resources to produce a paper, and pay a submission fee to the journal to publish it. When the paper is published, readers (including yourself) have to pay to access it. The journal is just the middle man who makes all the money.
Joe_PM2804 2y ago Edited 2y ago Scientology. L Ron Hubbard is quite a fascinating man to learn about, terrible, terrible man, he began lying at a young age and then never stopped afterwards. Becoming a billionaire out of that creepy cult like 'religion' Is the biggest scam of all time.
AnimePeter_ 2y ago The ads that claims to be interact able but when your finger barely touches the screen it takes you to appstore
dinahsaur523 2y ago Telling me to figure out my own taxes. Then, they tell me I did it wrong. If you know how much I owe, just tell me and I'll pay it!!
Ok-Raccoon1288 2y ago Those penis enlargement pills, dang it!


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