30 Facts, Figures and Revelations From Around the Comedy World

Thank God Bob Newhart was such a lousy accountant
30 Facts, Figures and Revelations From Around the Comedy World


COMEDY NERD GRACKED.COM CADDYSHACK D A cast of heavy hitters, Bill Murray, Chevy Chase, and Rodney Dangerfield. Maybe my expectations were too high going in, but this movie puts me to sleep. Often referred to by your dad as one of the greatest comedies of all time, this film is losing steam after being seen by younger generations.

Source: VH1

Bill & Ted

Movie Trilogies PHONE OH The Bill & Ted trilogy Did you hear? Face the Music is good! If you like Bill & Ted's goofy brand of humor, that is. Excellent Adventure is an adorable and hilarious PG stoner comedy, just a wonderfully clever film. And somehow Bogus Journey adds to the concept and takes it to even stranger places. An all-around successful trilogy. CRACKED.COM

More: Wikipedia
Image Credit: Orion Pictures

The Comedy Legends Who Influenced Key & Peele

BEHIND-THE-SCENESFACTS Comedy legends influenced KEY & PEELE CRACKED.COM Keegan-Michael Key says his comedy influences are Peter Sellers and Richard Pryor. They are my spirit animals. For Jordan Peele, his 'comedy parents' are Martin Lawrence and Steve Martin. Key decided that Steve Martin Lawrence would be a delicious matchup.


Julia Louis-Dreyfus

COMEDY NERD CRACKED.COM BEFORE SHE JOINED THE CAST OF SEINFELD, JULIA LOUIS-DREYFUS WAS ON SNL. She was on the show for three seasons in the early '80s, and she described it this way: Everybody was doing a lot of coke and smoking dope. Everybody would stay up late.


Kate McKinnon

COMEDY 661 NERD CRACKED.COM Kate McKinnon The SNL star known for characters like a mistreated alien abductee won the Emmy for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series in 2016 for her work on SNL. She was actually the first to win this award for work on SNL itself.

Bo Burnham

COMEDY NERD CRACKED.COM Во Burnham dresses like he's in high school! Wait, Burnham was in high school? Never mind. That's a pretty sweet tie-dye.


The BOB NEWHART Show Comedy legend Bob Newhart started out as an accountant but was so bad at the job he used to take money out of his own pocket to m

Marianne Bryant fom 'Easy A'

Movie Bullies Easy A MARIANNE BRYANT If anybody ever dares doubt Amanda Bynes' comedic talent, show them Easy A and watch them drown in regret. Marianne is a bully, duh, but she's the worst kind: a Christian cry-bully. It's all about morals and saving souls and the usual excuses to enjoy the cruelty of moral superiority. Because it's like Jesus said: make up rumors to hurt people. CRACKED.COM
COMEDY NERD CRACKED.COM JAMES FRANCO THIS IS THEEND James dies from getting his face eaten in this film which is probably how he wanted to go anyway. Не isn't the worst person, but he does secretly hide food from the rest of the actors while Craig drinks his own urine. Also is it canon that he has sexual misconduct allegations in this universe?


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