32 Scary Experiences People Had With Animals

‘Came nose-to-nose with a moose’
32 Scary Experiences People Had With Animals

Most animals are best admired from a distance. While bears are adorable, you definitely don’t want to wake up to one sniffing your head, which is what happened to a Redditor who was “cowboy camping” with no tent in Yosemite. Not to victim blame, but camping without a tent in Yosemite is basically inviting that kind of thing to happen. After the bear startled him a second time, he decided to night-hike out of the area to avoid getting torn to bits. 

Other Redditors have remembered the times an animal scared them to heck and back, and here’s a word to the wise: Don’t try to pet a wombat.

kinofhawk 4mo ago When I was in Colorado in 2020 and they were having the wildfires. A friend and I were hiking in a park in town and my friend said, There's a cat in here. I didn't believe him. Then we were sitting on a fallen log taking a break and I saw a mountain lion watching us. We made ourselves big and made a bunch of noise. It still stalked us until we left the park. It, and many animals, had come down out of the mountains to escape the fires. + 67 Reply ...
MatttheBruinsfan 4mo ago I once had to kill a rattlesnake that our outdoor cat had chased into the garage where my dad was sitting in his wheelchair. It wasn't actually difficult to kill, but the thought that if I didn't get it in one strike it might lash out at Dad was very stressfull. 37 Reply ...
Suspicious-Leg-8015 . 3y ago The squirrels on my college campus like to attack people. Being chased by a squirrel at 9am is not the best thing in the world + 39 ...
Sea-Horror-814 3y ago I came across a cute little raccoon while taking my morning walk. I live in a rural area. I thought the animal had been hurt but no it wasn't. That raccoon attacked my leg. I thought those things were sweet and gentle. I will never get close to one again!! + 28 ...
TanilbaKat 4mo ago Im Australian. When I was a young kid, I was attacked by a kangaroo. Only a grey, but it was much bigger than me when standing up on its back legs. It boxed and scratched, until I dropped the food I was holding. I'm still weary of them to this day. 16 Reply ...
Sablemint 7y ago An Antelope fell into my window well. It was unhappy with this. So it broke through the window, which made it even less happy. So I was like 7 years old with a bleeding, pissed off antelope suddenly in my room. I ran out immediately and closed the door. Fortunately the animal control folks actually had a procedure for this. They were able to tranquilize it, treat it, and release it. My cats didn't come out from under the bed for like a week. 12 ...
_Dawnlight 7y ago I was riding my quad bike in the bush, next to a paddock with a big fence to contain the livestock in it. Next thing I know, this fucking big emu comes out of nowhere and starts pecking viciously at the side of my (helmeted) head. The memories come flooding back, memories of the Great Emu War. I fall off my bike and lie there for a solid minute and a half whilst struggling with the PTSD of the Great Emu War. Never forget. + 83 ...
NaughtyTrouserSnake 7y ago I tried to steal a baby duck from her mother when I was 4 years old. The mother duck chased after me at at least Mach 2 and I tripped and cried. + 126 ...
one-eyed-sue 7y ago This happened in the '70s. My boyfriend and I rode his motorcycle way out into the desert. There was no one around for miles. We parked out in a field, laid down on a little blanket we had , smoked a joint, got naked, and fell asleep in the desert on our blanket. We woke up a little while later and we were surrounded by a huge herd of cattle. They were just standing all around us staring at us. Not sure what they would do or if there was a bull in their midst, we slowly got
Deus_ex_ 7y ago I picked up a strange white cotton ball when I was a kid. It felt soft, elastic and hollow. So I decided to puncture it to see what was inside. That was when a MILLION TINY FUCKING SPIDERS burst out and crawled all over my hand. Suffice to say I was not fond of spiders since then. + 244 ...
bearskin_raider 6y ago Went swimming at the beach and decided to race my mate out to the shark net buoys. I'm 5 metres away, giving it my all when I slap my hand down into the water for my next stroke and hit something real squishy. I stopped and looked up to find I'd booped a box jellyfish square on the top of the thing. Noped out of there so hard. The worst bit was I didn't even win the race. + 140 ...
SimonFish99 6y ago I was cycling up a mountain in the Scottish Highlands (my gran lives there), and as I went round a corner, I came face to face with a huuuuge highland cow which was running down the mountain the opposite way. Instead of jumping off the path I thought the cow was be friendly and edge over to let me by: big mistake... it threw its head as I went by, almost impaling me and throwing me off the path and into a 20ft tumble down the mountain. + 447 ...
ItsScotty224 6y ago When I was five I lived in Berlin, Germany. I had an obsession with trying to hunt and kill wild boars in the forest so my dad and I would walk around with spears  sharpened twigs basically. We never saw any so it wasn't a huge deal until one day we spooked a mother and her piglets. Next thing my dad sees is me chasing them until the sow stops turns all 200 pounds towards me and stares me down. Luckily my dad scooped me up before I could charge because I was about to. Hindsight
BobisBadAss 6y ago Edited 6y ago UP of Michigan. I was bow hunting for whitetail, sitting in full camo on a downed tree, leaning against another tree, in a dark, thick cedar swamp. I dozed off for a while and woke to the crunching sound of footsteps. I darted my eyes around and saw the back end of a canine as it stalked through the trees within about 20 yards, going from my right to my left. From the reddish in the fur I assumed it was a coyote and not a wolf, although I didn't see it long, and
BurningLars 6y ago Sitting out by a campfire at night in Uganda and suddenly spot a hurt and upset water buffalo standing by a lamp in the dark circa 15 meters away. Safe to say that we ran back to the big lodge and didn't spend anymore time outside that night. Either that or when a snake fell from the bathroom ceiling at one of my friends at the first bathroom stop we had while traveling in Uganda. 573 ...
Incredulouslaughter 6y ago I out ran a swarm of bees. I was young and in Straya, and we lived on the front of a farm. I went exploring a lot , it was really cool. I found a bees nest in a huge fallen tree. I had watched a lot of cartoons, and wanted to know if the bees would come out in an arrow and get me if I whacked it with a stick. So I did. They did not. I was disappointed and climbed around the fallen tree. The bees do attack, just not immediately. And not in an
Gretch702 6y ago When I was just 5 years old my neighbor had a Doberman who was usually very friendly dog, however , one day I go into his backyard to ride one of his bikes that he usually lets me ride as I was exiting the backyard the Doberman jumped on me and knocked me to my butt and pinned me down staring me in the face growling viciously. Eventually when Neighbor comes out of the house and yelled at him Damien get back in here. I don't know if that dog ever wanted to really kill me or just
lunardeity_ 3y ago Turkeys. They're so aggressive for no reason. Would always chase me when I was younger and for sure thought I'd get trampled + 58 ...
dabuku1 3y ago Was out for pre-dawn jog on a rural road in North Central Pennsylvania and saw what I thought was a big dog several hundred feet ahead. Slowed down because you know, a BIG dog, but then realized it was actually a black bear. They say you're not supposed to run away from bears, but I turned and ran as fast and as far as I could. When I finally turned around to look, it was nowhere in sight. Whew! Scared me shitless, and I never ventured out on rural roads to run again. + 87 ...
 3y ago My ex and his friends used to live in an apartment on a small lake. One night I was visiting him and I was preparing to leave around 2am. A fucking beaver had climbed the stairs and was standing outside his door. I decided to stay the night. If you've never seen one in person, beavers are a lot larger than you would expect them to be. It really surprised me how big it was. Plus they carry diseases and if they can bite through trees imagine what they could do to your bones. + 102 ...
its1020am . 3y ago Came around a bend in a path near a river, came nose to nose with a moose. Luckily she was feeling benevolent that day and let me back away. + 126 ...
 6y ago I was about 3 or 4. My family owned chickens. One of the roosters was a dick. Everytime we set foot in the yard, it would terrorize us with his large talons and try to peck us. It actually managed to claw my brother up. My dad finally killed that thing. It was the best meal I ever had. Now that I am an adult, I realize that I can kick the asshole roosters away like a football if they lunge at me, but as a 3 year old---I had nightmares about it. + 1.7K ...
SarcasticCarebear 6y ago Driving down the highway and a spider drops out from the visor and hangs in mid air in front of me then just vanishes in my lap. I blacked out but the passengers in my Uber said I was screaming, We're all gonna die over and over. + 2K ...
technicalityNDBO 6y ago I was solo hiking in the Porcupine Mountains in the upper peninsula of Michigan last autumn. Although I was by myself, there were plenty of other backpackers up there those couple of days. I ran across a bear print in the trail one morning. A few hours later I rounded a corner of the trail, and about 70 ft up ahead, I saw the hind quarters of an animal with dark brown fur about 2 feet high. I got a surge of adrenaline and everything started going in slow motion. I started to panic, and just as
BrandonTjon . 6y ago . Edited 6y ago A pack of Swans was hunting poor little me when I was 9 years old. + 6.9K ...
Allow1986 6y ago I was very drunk at a wedding on a large property in rural NSW. I like to wander and explore when I drink. I was alone and suddenly confronted with a wombat. Wombats are massive balls of muscle. Being the drunk idiot I was, I was all like awww hello me wombat and began to approach it. The wombat did not like this. It charged me. It was so fast. My heart stopped and I turned and ran as fast as I could. The little bugger nearly caught me. I sprinted back to the wedding in fear
WestBrink 6y ago I've been woken up by a bear sniffing my head once. Was cowboy camping (no tent) in Lyell Canyon in Yosemite once, when I hear something sniff right next to my head. My sleep addled brain thinks it's a ranger on a horse telling me to move my camp (had hiked about 20 miles that day. You have to be at least 4 miles into the canyon to camp, and I wasn't 100% sure I'd made it far enough since it was dark when I set up camp). Anyways, I say just one second, sit up, grope
A_sweet_boy 6y ago Edited 6y ago I'm from Florida and I was volunteering at a local nature conservancy. One of our tasks was to remove fallen logs that were blocking up a creek after a big storm. The creek was about chest deep, 15 feet wide, and opaque brown (Many Florida freshwater ways are browns b/c of tannins leached into the river from trees). As I'm moving logs I notice a ~12 ft. alligator on the embankment I hadn't noticed before. It then slid into the creek I was in. I was with a land manager who was moving logs
terrid2331 6y ago Edited 6y ago At the time I was working until 1am so I wouldn't get home until 2 or so. I opened the door to the house and felt what I thought was a breeze come by my leg. I don't really pay attention, walk over to my desk, put my keys down and turn the light on. Right when I do so, there are two possums in the act of mating in the middle of my kitchen. They screamed, I screamed and we began the three hour dance of getting them out of my house. I
 E 6y ago Went to war with a huntsman spider and a mukade centipede simultaneously in my shower in Japan. Yes I was naked. Yes I won. + 8.5K ...
colmwhelan 6y ago When I was 12 a young stallion decided he wanted to play with me and almost killed me. Не kicked and bit me and tried to trample me. Не was my pet and was only treating me the way he'd treat a peer. I even knew that while it was happening. I made a huge mistake by turning my back on him while he was playful. Не bit me and pulled me down. Knocked me down a couple of more times with a forefoot when I tried to get up. Reared up over me to stamp me
BunnyLurksInShadow 6y ago Had an Australian Eastern Brown snake rear up and try to bite me. The Eastern Brown snake is the second most venomous snake in the world. Certainly got my heart beating faster! 29 ...


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