20 Obsolete Technologies That Seem Like They Were Introduced Yesterday

Man, getting old sucks. Everything hurts, you’re officially unbelievable as any of the Newsies at your local community theater, and you no longer know what anything is. There’s a whole language out there of slang you have to look up and celebrities you’ve never heard of. Worst of all, every day, you get closer to being the geezer who has to ask a young’un how to work their phone. They seem pretty simple now, but who knows what they’ll be like in 30 years? They’ll probably have some kind of tentacles. Functioning ones.
After all, phones were pretty simple 30 years ago, too. If you handed your 30-years-younger self an iPhone, they’d probably throw it on the ground and renounce it as witchcraft, which was very big in the mid-‘90s. (They might also just try to eat it. We don’t know how old you were in 1994.) That’s just how fast technology moves these days. Like, a guy in the Middle Ages probably died in approximately the same world he was born into, especially considering how much more likely he was to die of the plague at 32. But these days, it seems like technology becomes obsolete almost as soon as it's introduced. For proof, user chevroletstyleline asked r/AskReddit, “What is something that you actually remember being new technology, but is now obsolete?” and their fellow Redditors brought all kinds of newish extinction-level events to the proceedings.