22 Historical Figures Who Sucked Pretty Hard

They say you should never meet your heroes, and one way to avoid that is by only idolizing historical figures. Literally just pick a guy lauded by your history teacher and form a stan subculture around them, because dead people can never disappoint you by being a jerk when you run into them in public or becoming the subject of sexual misconduct allegations. As an added bonus, you can make a pretty good career out of being a historical stan.
The problem with historical figures is that the time they were living in was way worse than ours. It was just easier to be considered a good guy in the 18th century, when all you had to do was not beat your slaves. Even if they were actually an unredeemable asshole, it was probably glossed over by your history teacher because they didn’t think middle schoolers could handle nuance.
Either way, history is full of correct answers to the question user Sufficient-Citron269 posed to r/AskReddit, “Which historical figure is mistakenly idolized?”