19 Real-Life Buried Treasures That Are Still Out There Somewhere

People just don’t bury treasure like they used to. For one thing, almost all of the treasure is digital nowadays, so there’s physically nothing to bury except, like, maybe a debit card, and even if you dug it up, you’d need a PIN and the billing zip code, and it just wouldn’t be worth it. If someone does own an object of value, it’s either displayed behind bulletproof glass, patrolled by its own dedicated security guard or so insured that they don’t even care if you walk out with it. And with instant digital record sharing, good luck selling it.
There are some buried treasures still out there, though. Some of them are just too old to be ones and zeroes, some are ill-gotten and some were abandoned by the grace of nothing more than their owner’s idiocy. A lot of these so-called buried treasures are legendary, but others we know for a fact are out there somewhere.
These are the riches cited by Redditors after user False-Hovercraft-669 asked r/AskReddit, “What treasures that we 100% know existed still haven’t been found?”